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California PACEs Action

Systems Transformation for the Better Normal: Follow-up Slides and Call Recording


On Friday May 8, Kanwarpal Dhaliwal, associate director of RYSE Youth Center in Richmond, CA, joined ACEs Connection's Better Normal series to describe the West Contra Costa Covid Community Care rapid response network.

This coalition includes stakeholders from multiple sectors of that county, working together to ensure this community's needs are met as the shelter in place orders disrupted employment and access to human assistance programs offered by county government and community based organizations.

A partial list of Covid Community Care network members includes: RYSE, Raise the Roof Coalition, CoCo Kids, La Clinica de La Raza,  John Muir Hospital, First Five Contra Costa County, Contra Costa County Probation and DA offices, and many departments in the City of Richmond. 

This coalition helped launch the Richmond Rapid Response Fund that supports these efforts. "This fund is born out of the Coalition’s work and efforts," said Dhaliwal, "a fund created through community centered engagement". See the city press release about the fund here.

Dhaliwal discussed how the coalition came together rapidly in the early days of the shutdown, and quickly mobilized to provide supports throughout the county. The ability of these stakeholders to work together acknowledges that "the capacity and commitment of our community to come together has always been there," said Dhaliwal. "This current moment propelled us to come together, and it will be our relationships with each other that move us through disruption to transformation". 

This level of collaboration needs to continue past the pandemic crisis, in their county and in counties nationwide, to address the "political determinants of health" that impact lives every day. Participants on the call asked thoughtful questions and shared enlightening perspective on the efforts in their local communities. 

To learn more, view the slides from Dhaliwal's presentation (attached), and be sure to check out the recording of the call here.  


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