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California PACEs Action

Thousands of Californians are working while homeless, and many don’t want their bosses to know (


Pinning down exactly how many Californians are working while homeless is not easy. Many try to hide it. And it’s certainly true that most people without a place to live are out of work.

But recent estimates suggest that it’s not uncommon for homeless Californians to hold down jobs.

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment. That’s in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego said they were currently working.

Los Angeles County has more than 50,000 residents who are homeless. Eight percent of adults surveyed in 2017 said they were working to some degree, mostly in part-time, seasonal or temporary work. Among homeless adults with children, 27 percent said they were working either part or full time.

To read more of David Wagner's article, please click here.

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We've had a couple of transitional age youth living with us while they were getting through school and establishing themselves in the workplace.  There is just no fiscal way for a low wage earner to make enough money to live independently.  Workers who need to rely on social services (while working) can feel demoralized. This is a stark contrast to when I was growing up and was able to have a low wage job and with a roommate, an apartment and enough funds to pay utilities, food, insurance etc. This chronic wage gap is very discouraging, especially to those who need love, support and encouragement the most!  I try not to bee too political, however, I recently heard of this effort: Stop BEZOS Bill that would require large employers to pay a living way or else pay the cost of providing their workforce with social service subsidies.  I find this an interesting concept. Karen

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