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California PACEs Action

UC Davis to Launch Gun Violence Research Center [California Health Online]

University of California officials Monday announced  that UC Davis will establish the West Coast’s first research center dedicated to preventing gun violence.

UC President Janet Napolitano said the center will be led by Dr. Garen Wintemute, an internationally known epidemiologist and emergency room physician who gathers and analyzes gun violence data with an eye toward prevention. The new California Firearm Violence Research Center will be funded by $5 million in taxpayer funds allocated over five years, and will build on Wintemute’s existing efforts.

For 29 years, Wintemute directed the violence prevention research project, a pilot program he founded as a research arm of the UC Davis Medical Center. In tight budget years, Wintemute kept the project going with $1.3 million of his own money.

The $5 million for the new center was included in a package of 11 gun-control measures the state legislature approved in late June after high-profile mass shootings by a terrorist couple in San Bernardino and by a gunman at an Orlando, Fla., nightclub.

Read the full story HERE

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Very exciting and critically imperative! Thank you Gail for sharing this announcement. As a Commissioner on the Commission on Gang Prevention & Intervention in San Diego, please know if we can support in any way in southern CA, we would be honored to do so. 

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