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Upcoming screenings of Paper Tigers

Upcoming screenings of Paper Tigers documentary which is getting rave reviews.  


Paper Tigers is emotional, but not sappy. The dedication and passion of the teachers and staff at Lincoln shines, and the school’s vibrant personalities are captivating. The film illustrates the ACE concept, but shows students as humans, not statistics”.  Walter Orestein, Seattle Times

It portrays a better way 

Paper Tigers follows a year in the life of an alternative high school that has radically changed its approach to disciplining its students, becoming a promising model for how to break the cycles of poverty, violence and disease that affect families.

 “Stressed brains can’t learn.”

That was the nugget of neuroscience that Jim Sporleder, principal of a high school riddled with violence, drugs and truancy, took away from an educational conference in 2010. Three years later, the number of fights at Lincoln Alternative High School had gone down by 75% and the graduation rate had increased five-fold. Paper Tigers is the story of how one school made such dramatic progress.

Following six students over the course of a school year, we see Lincoln’s staff try a new approach to discipline: one based on understanding and treatment rather than judgment and suspension. Using a combination of story telling and revealing diary cam footage, Paper Tigers is a testament to what the latest developmental science is showing: that just one caring adult can help break the cycle of adversity in a young person’s life.

To see the trailer:


Upcoming screenings of the Paper Tigers documentary throughout California. (If you know of others, please post!)


Woodland - Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 6-9 pm  Pioneer High School, Woodland CA            

FREE but Reservation required 


Davis - Wednesday, October 7, 2015, 6-9 pm Brunelle Hall, Davis High School, Davis CA 

FREE but Reservation required


Mill Valley - Tuesday October 13, 5:50pm, Marin Film Festival, Cinearts Sequoia Theater, Mill Valley

Panelists: James Redford, Director, Karen Pritzker, Producer

Following the premiere, Film Director Jamie Redford will celebrate PAPER TIGERS, with his band, Olive and the Dirty Martinis with a show at Sweetwater. Doors open at 7:30 and the show starts at 8:30 PM. Tickets $14.


Sacramento - Friday, October 16, 2015, Crest Theater, Sacramento

$15  Information and ticket sales at:


BerkeleyWednesday, December. 9, (tentatively 6 p.m.), David Brower Center 

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