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California PACEs Action


Workplaces COVID-19 Resources []

COVID-19, Domestic Violence and the Workplace For some survivors of domestic violence, going to work or school can provide safe haven and respite from the abuse experience at home or in interpersonal and familial relationships. And the added stress of close quarters created by social distancing measure may indeed exacerbate violence experienced at home. The site provides tips on that may help supervisors and coworkers recognize when a colleague may be experiencing violence at home, how to...

Newsom Announces Aid for Foster Care Youth Affected by COVID-19, New Agreement With Oregon and Washington []

By Scott Shafer and Marisa Lagos, KQED, April 13, 2020 California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that the state plans to allocate $42 million — including $1.6 million from the federal government — to address the needs of young people in foster care and others living in low-income families. "Bottom line is we have less social worker visits, we have less child welfare referrals because kids are not at school and because people are practicing physical distancing. And that means we still...

Free DAILY Support: COVID-19 - Quarantined with Dr. B

Hi, I am Kristin Beasley (Dr. B) and have a PhD in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Parent-Child Mental Health (PIMH) and a strong emphasis on Neuropsychology. I am a Professional Keynote Speaker, a Certified iPEC Coach, and an Organizational Trainer. As we face this unprecedented crisis, building community is more important than ever. We are isolated but we are not alone. We must tap into our resilient selves more than ever. Join my FB Live daily, yes, daily at 10AM PST as we...

Richmond High School students confront demands of social distancing []

By Marina Knowles, EdSource, April 9, 2020 Shutting down California to control the spread of the coronavirus requires everyone to cooperate. Gov. Gavin Newsom urged young people to take the crisis seriously and stay indoors and at least six feet from others after commenting on the tragic loss of a Lancaster teenager who died of COVID-19. He went on to say: “Young people can and will be impacted by this virus. In fact, young people disproportionately are the ones testing positive in the state...

Remote Learning for English Learners and Special Needs Students during COVID-19 []

By Niu Gao, Laura Hill, Public Policy Institute of California, April 10, 2020 For California’s most vulnerable students, including 1.2 million English Learners (EL) and over 700,000 students with special educational needs, remote learning in the wake of COVID-19 presents particular challenges. As districts across the state roll out distance learning plans to minimize disruption to K–12 students, educators must find alternate ways to meet all student needs. English Learners and special...

California colleges and universities share in $1.7 billion in emergency stimulus funds []

By Ashley A. Smith and Larry Gordon, EdSource, April 9, 2020 California’s colleges and universities will see more than $1.7 billion from the new federal stimulus law to help stave off the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, but they say more is needed. At least half of that money will go directly to students, many of whom have watched their campuses close, their jobs disappear and their schools shift in-person classes online in the past few weeks. Three California State University campuses...

Strategies to Stabilize and Sustain Youth Behavioral Health During COVID-19 []

By Claudia Page, California Children's Trust, April 10, 2020 The nation’s health care system is in the midst of unprecedented transformation as it responds to the COVID-19 crisis. The crisis provides an opportunity to rethink care for the state’s most vulnerable children and youth who receive behavioral health services through Medi-Cal and the health and human services safety net. In this brief, California Children's Trust outlines three specific and immediate actions counties are taking to...

Social distance puts squeeze on multigenerational homes []

By Otis R. Taylor Jr., San Francisco Chronicle, April 10, 2020 Gerardo Peña can’t pay this month’s $2,700 rent for Right-Way Shoe Repair on College Avenue in Oakland, a store he’s owned for 16 years. He also can’t pay the $2,300 he owes for Shoe Clinic, the sister repair shop less than 2 miles away on Piedmont Avenue. He’s owned that store for seven years. “I know he’s stressed out,” Leslie Peña said about her father. “I think everybody is.” [ Please click here to read more .]

Coronavirus: SF teachers pledge stimulus checks to undocumented immigrants left out of federal aid []

By Tatiana Sanchez, San Francisco Chronicle, April 10, 2020 Hundreds of educators in San Francisco are pledging to donate part of their stimulus checks to undocumented immigrants who make up a vital part of the U.S. and regional workforce but do not qualify for federal aid under the government’s stimulus bill. United Educators of San Francisco, which represents more than 6,200 San Francisco Unified School District employees, including teachers, nurses, counselors, and psychologists, said it...

Of Mice & Meetings: Bringing Our Whole Selves to Work During the Pandemic

My wife works for an educational company and her past few weeks have been busy working with schools and districts across California as they face the herculean task of adapting to distance learning for the remainder of the school year. One of my favorite stories from last week comes from a training that one of her colleagues was conducting with a school site. During the training, without skipping a beat, the trainer announced that his daughter had just handed him their pet mice and he was now doi

CalFresh Healthy Living Programs

CalFresh food benefits are available to individuals and families who have been impacted by COVID-19. CalFresh provides monthly food benefits based on household income and expenses at the time of application. Even if temporary, individuals and families who have experienced a change in their circumstances may apply for CalFresh through one of California’s 58 counties. Californian’s can visit to apply or call 1-877-847-3663 (FOOD) to be connected to their local county social...

COVID-19 & Stress - Resources from ACEs Aware

ACEs Aware supports health care providers, their teams, and all those on the front lines of administering care and interventions as California addresses stress and anxiety related to COVID-19. To lessen anxiety during this time of uncertainty, providers and patients alike can benefit from buffering care and protective factors to help prevent a toxic stress response. See ACEs Aware COVID-19 resources for information and resources on managing the impact of stress related to COVID-19 on...

New! Hotels for Health Care Workers

According to Governor Newsom during his press conference today (Thursday, April 9th) the number one stressor for health care workers was having a place to sleep between shifts that do not put their families at risk. many were paying out of pocket for a hotel room or sleeping in their car between shifts. To address this, starting April 10, frontline health care workers who are exposed to or test positive for COVID-19 can find hotel rooms through the CalTravelStore . If you are a health care...

At-Home Learning Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic from KQED

KQED is offering an at-home learning response to school closures for all children and youth in California. This response includes a new educational schedule for broadcast on KQED Plus in the Bay Area as well as free corresponding digital learning media and activities for at-home learning. KQED is also providing support for teachers and parents in navigating this new learning landscape throughout the state. These At-Home Learning educational resources are made possible through an...

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