Throughout California, we are seeing two critical priorities converge: affordable housing and climate resilience. While daunting on their own, these intersections may offer helpful direction about how we might solve both problems. Adequate supplies of high-quality affordable housing and climate resiliency are inextricably linked. Any efforts to address housing demand will fall short over time unless we simultaneously ensure that housing development considers climate impacts, is responsive to security risks, and factors in climate-related economic consequences. The third biennial California Adaptation Forum, hosted by the Local Government Commission and the State of California, comes to Sacramento on August 27-29. More than 750 policymakers, business leaders and practitioners in attendance, will take a closer look at the various ways that California communities can exchange knowledge and identify collaboration opportunities to address its housing crisis while responding to the impacts of climate change. The Forum is an affiliate event of the Global Climate Action Summit, an international convening to raise ambition for climate action. The Forum program will include a discussion of the latest climate research from Californiaβs Fourth Climate Change Assessment, which will be released on the first day of the Forum. |

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