Join us for a very timely and critical webinar focused on the importance of non-western, community-rooted healing practices used to address trauma due to violence in communities of color. During our webinar, our expert presenters will highlight critical components that make traditional healing practices effective to move us beyond platitudes that tend to symbolically support race equity.
Together we will explore the intersection of healing work and violence, specifically around gun violence and trauma. Too often culturally-rooted healing practices and interventions are appropriated, dismantled, and commodified, becoming devoid of the critical elements that address the reality for communities of color. Beyond the obvious trauma brought forth by COVID-19, we must also contend with the overarching impact of generational neglect which leads to health disparities in communities of color. Our presenters will discuss why these issues are critical and why providers need to lean into this reality when working with these communities in a post-COVID-19 world.
Presenters include:
Refujio “Cuco” Rodriguez, Program Officer, Hope and Heal Fund (Moderator)
Baba Arnold Perkins, Elder, Brotherhood of Elders Network
Vicky Stott, Program Officer, WK Kellogg Foundation
Jerry Tello, Founder/Director of Technical Assistance and Training, National Compadres Network
When Two Public Health Crises Collide: Healing from Trauma

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