
2019 Join Network/CAPPA Conference:
Call for Presenters
The Joint Conference will be held October 2 – 4, 2019 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Sacramento. We look forward to an exciting, information-packed conference and hope you can join us!
Call for Presentations
We invite you to submit a workshop proposal to this year’s Joint Conference. Please see the 2019 Call for Presentations Announcement for more information. To submit a workshop proposal please complete the Workshop Proposal form.
Please share these Call for Presentations links with others you feel could present workshops which would be of benefit to conference attendees.
The deadline for submissions is May 3rd.
Trauma-Informed Care 2019 Trainer Certification

June 3rd – June 6th, 2019
The Hilton DoubleTree- Berkeley, CA
200 Marina Blvd
Berkeley, CA 94710
Priority registration has been sent out and is limited to those individuals that fit all of the following criteria:
1) Staff of Bridge Program Opt-In County Program
2) TIC Trainer, Coach or Manager
3) Not a participant in the FY 2018-19 TIC Training Certification Cohort
If space allows, registration may be opened to additional staff at participating counties please contact redmunds@rrnetwork.org to be added to the waitlist. Due to limited space and to ensure a quality learning environment please prioritize attendance at the training to the TIC Trainer at your respective agency – limit 2 people from each participating agency.
Registration for all other Bridge/TIC staff will be accessible on May 6th 2019.
Please email Charlotte Williams atcwilliams@rrnetwork.org if you have any questions about the cohort requirements.
Webinars & Calls
Friday, May 3rd 2019
10:00 am - 11:00 am
The navigator learning community call is an opportunity to learn from one another in an attempt to align well state wide.
Bridge Program's TIC Training & Coaching Learning Community Call
Wednesday, May 29th
2:00 - 3:00 pm
The TIC Training & Coaching Learning Community Call is a space for R&Rs and the Network to share updates, trends, and highlight local successes. Together, we hope to build peer support among trainers and coaches with the most current information on best practices.
Register Here
Click here to view a recording of April's TIC Training & Coaching Call
Bridge Program TA Call
Tuesday, April 30th 2019
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Register Here
Webinar: Kind, Empathetic Classrooms that Build Bridges & Create Community in a Diverse World
Wednesday, May 1st 2019
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Kindness and empathy are two of the most important social skills we can teach children that can build meaningful connections in a diverse world. We want to help develop compassionate people who can bridge divides. This webinar will explore ways we can create experiences, use children’s social emotional competence and self-regulations skills, and share information that support children to be kind and empathetic towards each other and in the world.
- Participants will review and understand the concepts of kindness and empathy and how these skills are vital for children and our world today.
- A wide variety of experiences and information will be shared that build strong social-emotional competence and self-regulation skills that support children in being kind and empathetic to all people in this incredibly diverse world.
- Resources for further study and activities will be provided.
Register Here
Webinar: How to Engage the Extended Family or Village in Trauma Treatment
Tuesday, May 14th 2019
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
In this webinar, participants will learn:
- The top two reasons why counselors do not actively contact or engage the extended family in trauma treatment.
- How to create and implement what is called a Village Trauma Playbook using a case example and how its implementation can be generalized to your cases.
- How the Diagnostic Village Handout will lower your client’s resistance to allowing you to contact the extended family.
- The Diagnostic Village Handout and how it is used to quickly locate your families extended family or village as well as who is supportive and non-supportive.
Q & A with the instructor is encouraged.
Register Here
Webinar: Why Document in Early Childhood Programs? Exploring the Benefits and Audiences of Pedagogical Documentation
Thursday, June 13th 2019
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Documentation takes many forms and is used for several purposes. Most often, we think of documentation as a form of communication with families and the wider community. Yet, it can be so much more! True pedagogical documentation is a tool for responding to children’s ideas, planning next steps, authentic assessment, and reflection on our own practices and thinking. It informs our work as much as it can inform families and other stakeholders.
In this webinar, presented by author and expert, Susan Stacey, M.A., we will see examples of many forms of documentation, including Learning Stories, and reflect about what works for different purposes and diverse audiences.
Join this illustrative webinar to:
- understand the various forms of documentation and when to use each format,
- see how documentation can be a ‘thinking tool’ that connects us with children’s ideas, strategies, and thinking,
- learn to use documentation as a reflective practice that leads to teacher growth,
- examine the documentation practices of Reggio Emilia and the influences these have had in North America.
Register Here
Module 2 of TIC Curriculum
As mentioned in prior e-newsletters, the Trauma-Informed Care Training & Coaching Curriculum Module One as well as Historical & Intergenerational Trauma is available for download on the Bridge program webpage.
The member pages of the site require R&R members to login in using the following credentials:
Login: Member
Password: rrnetwork1980
Once you've logged in, you can access the curriculum by navigating to Trauma Informed Care Training & Coaching Resources, to TIC Trainer Certification, you'll see the curriculum listed in a table on the left-hand side of the page. We suggest bookmarking the page for easy reference.
Spanish translations of the material are currently in progress andmembers will be notified via email once those materials become available.

ACEsConnection Monthly Highlights
Presentation: Are the Words "Toxic Stress" Toxic? Re-Thinking the Narrative About Early Life Stress

The concepts of “toxic stress” and “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) have captured professional and public attention in recent years. While this has helped to bring more resources and interest to early childhood issues, it has also resulted in some harmful language and imagery that depicts children, families, or entire communities as “broken” or beyond healing and resilience. In our concern about adversity, are we selling short the capacity of individuals and communities to heal and grow? Are we doing more harm than good by inadvertently reinforcing stereotypes about children and families of color? Join a conversation with other concerned professionals about how to shift the narrative around early life stress to one that focuses on root causes of stress and celebrates the resilience of children, families, and communities.
Make sure to log in to the ACEs Connection Bridge Community to see new resources and content that has been posted!
Staff Recruitment ResourcesCheck out staff recruitment resources on our Bridge Program Resources webpage. Please feel free to e-mail us additional information to share as you develop it! |
Need Technical Assistance?For technical assistance, questions, and resources that you've developed and can share with others, please email Trauma-Informed Care Training & Coaching Manager Charlotte Williams at cwilliams@rrnetwork.org. |
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