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Weighing in on federal rules regarding "public charge" for immigrant families

Editor's note: The National Pediatric Practice Community on Adverse Childhood Experiences , part of the Center for Youth Wellness, included the following information in its newsletter that may impact your patients access to health care: "Make Your Voice Heard & Comment re: Proposed Limits to Food, Housing The Department of Homeland Security proposed new definitions of public charge , which marks a significant departure from its current policy. The changes pose risks to immigrant families...

Raising The Organic Unity Of Child-And-Community

“When a child displays a behavior problem, the first place to look for the cause and for the solution is to the child’s environment.” Maria Montessori We cannot truly separate the child from the community. In our efforts to “fix” child behavior or heal the child from the traumatic impact of adverse childhood experiences, we need to relate to the community as an extension of the child’s physical and psychological constitution. An organic unity operates here. There is more than just a...

Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (English)

Please see the main post for these parent handouts in the ACEs Connection Resources Center. These two flyers ( Understanding ACEs and Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs ) can be downloaded, distributed, and used freely. One is brand new and the other is a revision. Both flyers were made with generous support from Family Hui, a Program of Lead for Tomorrow. Translations of these flyers are in progress and will be shared by Family Hui and updated on ACEs Connection when available.

No Small Matter (Trailer) The feature documentary NO SMALL MATTER confronts America's most pressing problems with an unlikely but powerful weapon: babies and young children. From home to childcare to preschool, high-quality early care and education has far-reaching impacts, and groundbreaking science to back it up. With a healthy dose of humor and a surprising edge, NO SMALL MATTER reveals the tragic cost of getting this wrong, and the huge payoff—for our kids, our families, and our country—of...

Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services

In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.

OCAP grants announced - Deadline EXTENDED TO DEC 28th

The Office of Child Abuse and Prevention ( OCAP ) recently announced a funding opportunity that may align with the work of California based ACEs champions. Please see the details below, the OCAP Grants link, and the attached document for further details. Copied from the website : The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) administers federal grants, contracts, and state programs designed to promote best practices and innovative approaches to child abuse prevention, intervention, and...

Wildfire Resources

For the communities affected by the wildfires, we've compiled a list of resources below. Please comment below if you know of anything else that might be helpful, or if you're looking for any other resources that we can help with. SAMHSA's Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Southwest Region has created a...

Earlier always better? Child development reseachers question old assumption []

It’s always worth revisiting what we think we know. In recent years, there’s been a trend among early childhood researchers to keep moving the focus to earlier and earlier in children’s lives. The storyline might go something like this: Sure, grade school matters, but we need to think about high-quality preschools to level the playing field. Actually, preschool is too late — the interactions kids have with their parents in the first years of life are really what’s crucial for development....

TIC Training & Coaching E-News: November 2018

Contents Network Updates Trauma-Informed Care Trainer Cohort Dashboard Conferences & Trainings California Bridge Program Convening, 11/27 TIC Teach & Share, 12/4-5 Webinars & Calls Bridge Program's Navigator Learning Community Call, 12/7 Bridge Program's TIC Training & Coaching Learning Community Call, 12/11 CDSS Bridge Program TA Call canceled Nov & Dec Bridge Program's TIC Training & Coaching Certification Webinar Series Recordings Resources ACEsConnection Monthly...

Self Regulation Skills Bring Resiliency to Angry Preschool Boy

SUCCESS! RESULTS! Here's a testimonial from a preschool teacher who reinforces the Superkid Power skills I teach to a classroom of 3 and 4 year olds. "Two very active little boys were playing in the dramatic play area. Both saw a police officer uniform that they wanted to wear. We have been working on social dialogue throughout the month so one little boy responded with "Can I have it when you are done?" The other little boy responded with "Yes." Thinking that he was able to play with it...

Spanking Is Still Really Common and Still Really Bad for Kids []

The good news about spanking is that parents today are less likely to do it to their children than parents in the past. The bad news is that parents today still spank their kids—a lot. “Some estimates are that by the time a child reaches the fifth grade [in the United States], 80 percent of children have been spanked,” says George Holden, a professor of psychology at Southern Methodist University who studies parenting and corporal punishment. Spanking is also widespread worldwide . Perhaps...

REGISTER NOW! TIC Teach & Share 12/4 & 12/5 Oakland

WHO : Trauma Informed Care (TIC or Bridge Program) Cohort Members * WHAT : Trauma Informed Care 2-Day Teach and Share Training 2018 WHEN: December 4 th and December 5 th , 2018 The California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities, Oakland, CA Register Online Here – by Tuesday, November 20, 2018 * Who Should Attend? TIC Cohort Members seeking certification in FY 2018-19 must attend this training . This training is reserved for cohort members that attended the August 28 th -29 th training...

What Does it Take to Become Trauma-Informed? Lessons from Early Adopters []

Trauma-informed care has emerged as a core competency to improve how health care organizations deliver services to people who have experienced adverse life events. Through the Advancing Trauma-Informed Care (ATC) initiative, and with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Center for Health Care Strategies convened innovators in the field to build on existing trauma-informed efforts and share lessons nationally. The Urban Institute conducted an implementation analysis to better...

Trauma-Informed Training & Coaching E-Newsletter October 2018

Contents Conferences & Trainings Save the Date: TIC Trainer Certification Cohort Train-Back, 12/4-5 Webinars & Calls Trauma-Informed Care in ECE: Key Strategies for Healing and Behavioral Change CDSS Bridge Program TA Call, 10/30 TIC Training & Coaching Learning Community Call, 11/13 Resources ACEsConnection Monthly Highlights Staff Recruitment Resources Technical Assistance Contact Info Conferences & Trainings Save the Date Trauma-Informed Care Trainer Certification Cohort...

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