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How to Talk to Kids About School Shootings

Take an age-based approach to discussing news of school shootings with kids. "School shootings" are two words no parent ever wants to hear in the same sentence. But news of these tragic events is now so familiar, the topic is unavoidable. Unlike other conversations you have with your kids about scary stuff in the news , talks about school shootings are much more emotional, for both you and your kids. Add in the facts that kids as young as 5 are practicing active-shooter drills at school, and...

The Mindful Mind

Mindfulness is based on having purpose and intention. It is an actively conscious focus on what you are feeling and creating in the present moment. When we engage in a mindful existence we are not judging ourselves for anything in our past experiences, we are not interpreting what a situation means in our lives, we are experiencing the present, emotions and all. When we practice being present in every moment, every interaction, every activity, we sub-consciously learn the art of self...

How to Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.

Self-Care for the Soul

Self-Care is a necessity for all mental health workers, but it is especially imperative that anyone just entering the profession practices healthy forms of self-care. The mental health field, and anyone with a “relationship intense,” role can easily experience compassion fatigue. The concept of compassion fatigue refers to exhaustion after a period of helping others through emotional, psychological, and/or physical trauma. (Figley, 2002) While some may scoff at the idea of compassion...

How to Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.

What's the #1 thing to change to be happier? A top happiness researcher weighs in []

By Ari Shapiro, Megan Lim, and Christopher Intagliata, Illustration: guoya/Getty Images, National Public Radio, January 15, 2023 Happiness can be hard to quantify, because it can mean something different to everyone. But let's say you could change one thing in your life to become a happier person, like your income, a job, your relationships or your health. What would make the biggest difference? That's the question that Dr. Robert Waldinger has been investigating for decades as the director...

Coping with Disaster

Disasters are upsetting experiences for everyone involved. The emotional toll that disaster brings can sometimes be even more devastating than the financial strains of damage and loss of home, business or personal property. Children, senior citizens, people with access or functional needs, and people for whom English is not their first language are especially at risk. Children may become afraid and some elderly people may seem disoriented at first. People with access or functional needs may...

The Complete Guide to Self-Awareness

“ Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going on inside ourselves.” - Bessel Van Der Kolk Trauma-informed care is impossible without self-awareness. Anyone who practices TIC needs self-awareness, and most of us would benefit from greater self-awareness. In this complete guide to self-awareness, we’ll explore why self-awareness is core to the trauma-informed model and how to...

Complete Guide to Trauma-Informed Values

In the trauma-informed care space, we often reference trauma-informed values. While we can refer to values within the TIC space broadly, there are specific models that we teach our clients, including SAMSHA’s 6 Guiding Principles and the Sanctuary 7 Commitments. The values outlined in these guides provide structure for organizations new to trauma-informed care, and they’re an essential piece of the work for any trauma-informed leader. So, we’re going to explore these values in-depth today.

Holidays are Hard (You're not alone)

Number Story is an awareness campaign that aims to bring awareness to adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, and childhood adversity and their long-term effects; and provide hope and support to those who have experienced them. This holiday season, Number Story is reaching out with an authentic and resonant message for the holidays - one that can help point people to their own personal journeys of healing. It’s a simple and sad truth. For many of us, the holidays are hard. While others bask...

How An Emotional Detox Can Help People Of Color Cope With Racial Trauma []

By Maia Niguel Hoskin, Photo: Getty Images, Forbes, October 30, 2022 Exposure to racism, discrimination, and other forms of racial trauma have been proven to cause various mental health challenges, which can easily exacerbate general obstacles that are faced in everyday life. Many people of color report being overwhelmed by their thoughts and responsibilities to the point they feel stuck in quicksand. Some also feel drained and exhausted. Which can cause some people to feel emotionally out...

Stress Busters Handout

We all have inner strengths and resilience that can help us deal with challenges and stress. To help us manage stress, PACEs Connection and ACEs Aware created a handout based on seven evidence-based stress busters , as described in the Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General’s Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health . These interventions can help reduce stress, improve health, and build resilience. Please share widely! The handout is available in the...

Trauma-Informed Yoga for Kids (Echo)

November 9, 2022 11:00 AM 3:30 PM EST Virtual via Zoom Learning how little bodies register and retain trauma physically and physiologically is key to helping children release toxic stress. Register HERE. After any long period of stress or trauma—such as getting through a pandemic—it is normal to experience emotional de-regulation. As we prepare for post-pandemic life, it is normal to experience de-regulation as a result of long periods of stress or trauma. In Echo's Trauma-Informed Yoga for...

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