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California Essentials for Childhood Initiative (CA)

The California Essentials for Childhood Initiative uses a public health and collective impact approach to align and enhance collaborative efforts to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, youth and families through systems, policy and social norms change.


CDSS' Five-Year State Prevention Plan Draft for FFPSA

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has released the latest version of its Five-Year State Prevention Plan (the Plan) for the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA). This new plan reflects some notable changes from the prior draft that went out in March, including the following: Clarification of the vision of the FFPSA Prevention Services Program, including connecting the goal of reducing disproportionality to specific actions in the Plan; Inclusion of all...

Advancing California's Trauma-Informed Systems is Recruiting

The Advancing California's Trauma-Informed Systems (ACTS) Project's mission is to support systems in planning for, implementing, and sustaining trauma-informed change that aligns with best practice and science. We work with organizations to identify individualized areas for Trauma Informed Change (TIC) and provide in-depth resource sharing through the ACTS Project. The ACTS Project also offers workforce and leader-focused trainings on different aspects of TIC and time-limited Technical...


VIRTUAL BRIEFING TUESDAY, JUNE 1ST AT 11 AM PT Please Join us for an important conversation about the impact that investing in prevention and early intervention strategies can have on reducing domestic violence. As outlined in the Little Hoover Commission report, now is the time to invest, especially given the increase of domestic violence over the past year. By increasing state level coordination of violence prevention efforts, supporting successful state and local programs, leveraging...

New Article: "Money can lead to better pandemic parenting, study finds"

A study released last year from researchers at the University of Chicago found that a parent’s ability to nurture and care for their children is not severely impacted during stresses including job loss as long as they have a means of supporting their families, such as through unemployment insurance. RAPID-EC found that stimulus payments and unemployment relief provided during the pandemic were critical for families with young children more than 61 percent of households surveyed used stimulus...

Opportunity to provide feedback by 6/2 on The Economics of Child Abuse in 2020: A Study of California & Its Counties

Safe & Sound is excited to share The Economics of Child Abuse in 2020: A Study of California & Its Counties . On this website, you can learn about the cost of child maltreatment in every community in California and how to take action to protect kids, strengthen families, and build communities. We would love your feedback on the site. Please take 5 minutes to complete our survey by Wednesday, June 2, so we can continue highlighting research and building tools that communities need.

New Resource Available: Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for Children

The Essentials for Childhood Initiative would like to share a new resources titled, “Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for Children.” This new resource is intended to elevate primary prevention strategies that support creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments (SSNR&Es) for children and highlight 2019 data from the Awareness, Commitment, and Norms Survey provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This document was...

New Child Trends research examines how racism drives disparities in maternal and child health

New Child Trends research uses data from Zero to Three’s State of Babies Yearbook 2021 to examine disparities in maternal and child health, and discusses why these disparities exist. The researchers also highlight strategies that policymakers and practitioners can use to promote racial and ethnic equity to improve maternal and child health. For example, paid family leave is tied to lower rates of infant mortality and maternal depression and increased rates of breastfeeding and infant...

Register Now: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic an Adverse Childhood Experience?

Is the COVID-19 Pandemic an Adverse Childhood Experience? Sponsored by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and the Safe States Alliance Date and Time: Monday, May 24, 2021 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET Register Here Session Description: Safe States and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors have teamed up to explore whether and in what ways the COVID-19 pandemic has been an adverse childhood experience. And if is, what can chronic disease and injury prevention...

Register Now: Crisis as Opportunity: Building Community Bridges to Address Trauma Webinar

Date and Time: Thursday, May 20 2020 from 12:00 PM EST - 1:00 PM EST Register Here: Session Description from the TRANSFORM Research Center: The Translational Research that Adopts New Science For Maltreatment prevention (TRANSFORM) Research Center recognizes that our communities have been struggling with many challenges highlighted over the past year. Across the United States, communities have been suffering from the...

Help families get Monthly Cash Payment through expanded Child Tax Credit

Action Is Needed Now! To help families cover their children’s basic needs, Congress expanded the Child Tax Credit for 2021 as part of the new America Rescue Plan. The IRS will be sending out monthly checks to families with children, starting in July. Families can receive up to $300 a month for every child ages 0-5 and $250 a month for every child ages 6-17 living in their household. Families do not need any earnings to qualify. Families should file taxes by May 17 so they can get the Child...

NIHCM Newsletter on Maternal Health and COVID-19

The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Newsletter highlighted how COVID-19 has affected maternal health: Maternal Health and COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating concerns about maternal health in the United States, which has the highest maternal mortality rate of industrialized countries and is the only nation where the rate is rising . New studies highlight the pandemic’s impact on the physical and mental health of pregnant individuals. Black Maternal Mortality...

New suite of resources explores intersection of early childhood and health equity work

A new suite of resources developed by Child Trends and the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality aims to help policymakers, advocates, and communities understand how different initiatives employ cross-sector partnerships to improve health equity for young children and their families. An interactive map presents information about 143 initiatives and allows users to sort these initiatives by state, health and well-being focus, service sectors, funding sources, and age groups served.

Webinar Recap: Family Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic Data Webinar with Drs. Robert Sege and Lori Turk-Bicakci

On April 29, 2021, the California Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative held a webinar entitled, “Family Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic Data.” The purpose of this webinar was to share findings from wave 1 of the Family Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic Questionnaire that was administered in November 2020. Drs. Robert Sege from the HOPE Project at Tufts Medical Center and Lori Turk-Bicakci from the KidsData program at PRB provided an overview of the questionnaire, summarized...

Register Now: Advancing Disability Justice through Sexual Violence Prevention: Including Disabled Youth as Stakeholders in Our Work

Date and Time: Jun 1, 2021 12:00 PM Jun 3, 2021 12:00 PM Register Here: Session Description from ValorUS: Young people with physical and developmental disabilities are one of the highest risk populations for experiencing sexual violence although they are most often overlooked in conversations about sexual health and violence prevention. Youth-led prevention programs that strive for inclusivity should view young people with...

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