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County to Take Part in New Youth Suicide Reporting and Crisis Response Program (

To read more of Gig Conaughton's article, please click here. Hoping to find new ways to keep young people from attempting suicide, the County is poised to take part in a $4.1 million state youth suicide-focused pilot program. The program, County Health and Human Services Agency officials said Tuesday, could develop new prevention responses—like systems to continue contact and follow up care when youth experiencing thoughts of suicide, doing self-harm, or attempting suicide end up in hospital...

Child and Family Well-Being Focus Group Invitation & Mandated Reporters Survey

We ask for your help with a county wide project exploring mandated reporting in San Diego, the project is called the Community Response Guide project. The goal of the project is to create a web-based decision support tool that can be used by individuals who are worried about a child or a family and are unsure if they should make a report to CPS or connect the family with an alternative support. The decision to make a report can be difficult and complex, with major impacts for children and...

“Unity in the Community” Mural is Unveiled (Institute for Public Strategies)

To read the Institute for Public Strategies article, please click here. SAN DIEGO, April 2023 – On Saturday, March 25, residents and city leaders gathered at Teralta Neighborhood Park in San Diego for the official unveiling of a 270-foot mural depicting the City Heights neighborhood. The project, co-led by IPS’ sister agency, the Global Institute for Public Strategies, was the culmination of six years’ work and was designed with beautification, health, and safety in mind. “The mural...

Millions still available to help low-income San Diegans with water bills (

An undated file photo of water running from a faucet. To read more of Katie Hyson / Racial Justice and Social Equity Reporter and Contributors: Mike Damron / Video Journalist's article, please click here. A fund to help San Diego County residents pay their water bills still has $2.5 million sitting unclaimed. According to leadership of the nonprofit Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty, or MAAC, which manages the fund, many people may not realize they qualify for assistance.

Theme: Queer Joy: Rainbow Writes | GLSEN due by May 15th

Rainbow Writes is a writing contest for LGBTQ+ students to express their unique perspectives. In the age of censorship of LGBTQ+ stories, Rainbow Writes lifts our voices – for queer youths, by queer youths! The contest will accept submissions in poetry and prose! SUBMISSION DETAILS: Who can participate? Ages 13-18, United States residents. How do I enter? Via submission form here: How will winners be determined? Winners will be determined by originality,...

Teen Girls Are Not Alright. ADHD Magnifies the Crisis. (

To read more of Nicole Kear's article, please click here. Teen girls in the U.S. are “engulfed in a growing wave of sadness, violence and trauma,” according to a report released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that found alarming increases in rates of rape, depression, suicidality, and cyberbullying among adolescents. 1 “The numbers are unprecedented,” said Kathleen Ethier, director of the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health . “Our young people...

Congratulations to our first Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) Accredited Learning Centers in our network!

A joyous celebration on Friday, February 10, 2023 honoring the leadership of Area Superintendent Lindsay Reese , Principal Amanda Clark, and all staff members with San Diego Workforce Innovation High Schools’ Chula Vista, Linda Vista and National City Learning Centers! Area Superintendent Reese reflected on the TREC Accreditation and shared, "Trauma Resilient Educational Communities provide a safe and supportive environment for students to heal from their past traumas, while also equipping...

From Trauma to Resiliency: Reflecting on our inner journey

Back in 2019, we began planning to write a book, From Trauma to Resiliency, that would describe the experiences of survivors who have experienced multiple traumas and who have benefitted from relationship-based, collaborative family-school-community-based services. We asked colleagues doing amazing work in San Diego County to contribute chapters, and they shared stories of oppressed, traumatized groups of survivors that include, people who have faced abuse, war, and poverty,...

Shifting from Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting Webinar Series

The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is very excited to share an opportunity to join the Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month Professional Webinar series featuring the theme: Shifting from Mandated Reporting to Community Supporting . In the series, each session will feature a guest speaker(s) discussing important topics focusing on the shift from mandated reporting to community supporting. Don't forget to register to ensure you don't miss out on these rich and transformative...

Native Ways of Knowing Book List: Decolonizing and Indigenizing Classrooms and Libraries (SCOE)

SDCOE and CIEFA's Native Ways of Knowing Book List: Decolonizing and Indigenizing Classrooms and Libraries To help educators and parents choose high-quality Indigenous authored books, the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and California Indian Education (CIEFA) have designed this Native Ways of Knowing Book List: Decolonizing and Indigenizing Classrooms and Libraries. These books have been vetted by Native American scholars, CIEFA, and SDCOE staff. Please consider adding these...

First Naloxone Vending Machine Installed in San Diego County (

Video by José Eli Villanueva To read more of Anita Lightfoot's article, please click here. The County has a new, groundbreaking resource to battle fatal opioid overdoses. A naloxone vending machine is now in operation at the McAlister South Bay Regional Recovery Center in Chula Vista and you don’t have to be a member of the Center to use it. This new machine will put opioid overdose medication in the hands of anyone who wants it, free of charge. It is part of the County’s comprehensive Harm...

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