Intermountain (the founding organization of ChildWise Institute that started the movement, Elevate Montana) was honored to be a source for a TIME cover story this week: "Anxiety, Depression, and the Modern Adolescent."
From the article: "Daniel Champer, the director of school-based services for Intermountain in Helena, Mont., says the one word he'd use to describe the kids in his state is overexposed. Montana's kids may be in a big, sparsely populated state, but they are not isolated anymore.
A suicide might happen on the other side of the state and the kids often know before the adults, says Champer. This makes it hard for counselors to help.
"And nearly 30% of the state's teens said they felt sad and hopeless almost every day for at least two weeks in a row, according to the 2015 Montana Youth Risk Behavior Survey. To address what they consider a cry for help from the state's teens, officials in Montana are working on expanding access to school-based and tele-based counseling."
Look for this issue, coming out soon, online and in newsstands, and thank you, as always, for your kind support of Intermountain and your generosity to children, teens, and families in need.

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