School Grants for Healthy KidsLink Sponsor Action for Healthy Kids Deadlines Apr 5, 2019 Contact Purpose School Grants for Healthy Kids awards funding to implement school health and wellness practices that help students eat better, stay physically active, and be better prepared to learn. Funded schools will also receive technical assistance to help implement a successful project that leads to sustainable change. Priority areas include: School Breakfast Grants: Funding to include alternative breakfast programs (breakfast in the classroom, grab and go breakfast, breakfast after first period, breakfast on the school bus) and universal breakfast programs Game On Grants: Available in select states, this program provides physical activity grants with an optional nutrition component to support becoming recognized as a health-promoting school Parent-Led Grants: Funding for parents or parent groups to implement physical activity and nutrition initiatives Eligibility Parents, schools, PTO/PTA, or school health and wellness teams can apply for funding. Priority will be given to schools with greater than 50% of students eligible for free/reduced priced meals. Geographic coverage Nationwide Amount of funding School Breakfast Grants: $1,000 - $3,000 Game On Grants: $1,000 Parent-Led Grants: $1,000 Application process |

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