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Positive & Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACES) Hawai‘i
He ‘a‘ali‘i kū makani mai au; ‘a‘ohe makani nāna e kūla‘i.
I am a wind-withstanding ‘a‘ali‘i; no wind can topple me over.


FREE WEBINAR: The Impact of Mind Matters: Preliminary Evidence of Effectiveness in a Community-Based Sample

Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues have conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to trauma symptoms, emotional regulation, coping and resiliency, and interpersonal skills for at-risk...

Building coalitions to strengthen transitions to Kindergarten

This article highlights the alarming trend of children NOT registering for kindergarten (partially due to COVID-19 concerns). The data in the article points to children of color as the highest population to not register their child for kindergarten. I like the toolkit that is within the link. This is an issue that should be on our radar. Stay safe everyone! Mahalo, Danny

Talking to our keiki about racial healing

This is a really good article about tips that caregivers may employ when a child has experienced racism/discrimination. Our COFA migrant brothers and sisters from the Pacific have been experiencing horrific racism and there are many in our community who experience discrimination because of their race, faith, gender and now the vaccine/mask debate. One piece of the article I found helpful is the intervention piece of: 1) Embrace; 2) Correct (the POV of the aggressor is NOT correct) and 3)...

Healthy eating . . . a key step to building wellness and resilience.

Hawaiʻi Pacific Health is an excellent free resource that provides healthy and tasty recipes that promotes wellness. The issue of obesity prevention in early childhood education settings has been highly researched and the urgency to provide healthy and nutritious meals and health education in ECE settings is encouraged. It is challenging in our society today to have access to fresh produce as well as the cost associated with healthy diets. The HPH website offers tips and cost-savings...

Covid-19 Resilient Educator Toolkit

Aloha all, I hope you are all staying safe and socially engaged. This toolkit is a great resource for educators during these tumultuous times. The toolkit provides resources and strategies for educators, caregivers and students. Please share any other tips or links that you have found helpful during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mahalo, Danny

Art therapy as a form of self-care

At the first annual Kahewai TIC Summit for 0-5 providers, we were blessed with an optional workshop that employed art as an effective strategy for self-care and healing. This article highlights the effectiveness of art and self-care. Feel free to post your artwork or your strategies in using art as a healing tool and/or for your self-care strategies.

Hoʻoikaika Partnership

Aloha, The Maui County community has seen first hand the amazing work of the Hoʻoikaika Partnership - It is time we get to know (and learn) from this amazing network. Visit their website to see the latest and greatest tips on how to build community resilience. They also have their annual conference on October 13/14th (virtual) with some of the states premier speakers and community resilience builders. I will post a registration link when it is available.

Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Aloha, Yoga is a great way to practice self-care and mindfulness. Trauma-sensitive yoga might be a way to identify and meet the unmet need of individuals/groups to address, cope and heal from their trauma. Click on this link to see what the Trauma-sensitive yoga practitioners in our state!

Kūpuna Care

Aloha, This is another amazing article on the need as well as the richness and treasures we receive from our kūpuna. Please care for those who may need our love and support- it is our kuleana. Mahalo Ka Wai Ola!

Kupuna and COVID-19

This is a great resource for our kupuna. With the rise of the COVID-19 due to the Delta variant, we must ensure that our kupuna, our elders are cared for and that they feel safe and connected. Kupuna and Kokua is an amazing resource!

Keiki anxious about returning back to school? Here are some tips

Aloha- Our public schools have reopened and many private schools have either opened its doors and/or are about to begin their new school year. With the rise of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 strain as well as the public debate over vaccinations, children (and adults) might be anxious in returning back to school. This article provides some great tips in how to address your keiki's anxiety level. One tip I found helpful is that we must model calm for our keiki. This article might be a tad...

The anxiety with reopening

With the rise in COVID-19 cases and the Delta variant, there is a lot of anxiety with the reopening of our schools. Here is a short article that draws attention to the anxiety that staff and students might be feeling during the next few months. When we are aware that some in our midst might have anxiety, we can demonstrate empathy and be more patient and kind to those who might be struggling. Thoughts?

See how this UH Volleyball player is raising mental health awareness for athletes

As a setter in volleyball, Norene Iosiaʻs primary duties on the court is to help her teammates with perfectly placed sets so that they can successfully spike a volleyball. Off the court, the decorated Norene Iosia (received conference honors) is raising awareness for the need of mental health, especially in the athletic world where athletes are often told to, "push it!" or "suck it up?" or "Failure is weakness!" Click on this link to see how Iosia took to social media to raise awareness for...

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