Saturday, August 6th 9:30am-3:30pm 1939 Independence Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28403.
LINK-Up is a one-day event that provides youth, ages 13-16, with an opportunity to build friendships and participate in workshops based on 2 of the 8 LINKS outcomes! The day will include information on Safe and Stable Place to Live and Academic/ Vocational Education Goals. There will also be O-LINK-Pic games, lunch, and door prizes! All materials will be provided, and youth participants will receive end of the day gifts. SaySo events are FREE to youth and the adults who support them in attending. Please join us!
*All youth are to be chaperoned by an older adult during SaySo events
LINKS Outcomes
Safe and Stable Place to Live
Academic/Vocational Education Goals
Sign-Up Here

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