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New research on parental stress during COVID-19 []

By The HOPE Team, 1/22/24, Understanding parental stress during COVID-19 helps guide disaster preparation planning The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was a very stressful time for many of us. We were worried about getting sick, as well as spreading the disease to others, and were coping with the reality of living in lockdown. Parents in particular felt the weight of schools closing and childcare options becoming unavailable. Recently the HOPE team and...

2024 HOPE Summit | Full schedule and workshop descriptions []

By Laura Gallant, 1/15/24, Learn about the activities offered at this year’s HOPE Summit The HOPE National Resource Center is excited to offer an interactive and engaging experience through the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit – The HOPE Transformation , a two-day virtual event on March 20 and 21. We are excited to share with you the workshops, keynote addresses, and networking opportunities offered throughout the event. The Summit will be focusing on the Six...

Help us spread positive childhood experiences in the New Year []

By Laura Gallant, 1/8/23, The HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) is excited to ring in the New Year! In 2024, we have many upcoming events, trainings, and new opportunities. Over the last year the HOPE NRC has worked hard to create new programs and update existing ones. Our programs and events do not teach a rigid program, they are designed to be applied to many sectors, communities, organizations, practitioners, and families. The HOPE framework is meant...

Spreading HOPE through partnerships and collaborations – Year in review []

By Laura Gallant, 12/8/23, Throughout 2023 the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) has been working hard to spread the HOPE framework and have positive childhood experiences (PCEs) as widely discussed and applied in child- and family-serving sectors as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). It has been a year full of strong partnerships, and a growing community. The work done at the HOPE NRC cannot be successful without the dedicated organizations,...

2023 HOPE resource round-up []

By Laura Gallant, 12/21/23, At the HOPE National Resource Center, we create resources all year round. Many of our resources are created in collaboration with HOPE Facilitators, HOPE Champions , and others who are implementing the HOPE framework in their organization or community. Below are many of the new resources we created in 2023. Each resource is a guide, not an instruction manual, that shares ways of practicing or implementing the HOPE framework...

Explore how to transform your organization with HOPE | 2024 HOPE Summit []

By Laura Gallant, 12/14/23, Whether you are a new or returning Summit attendee, The HOPE National Resource Center welcomes you to register for the Fourth Annual HOPE Summit taking place virtually on March 20 and 21, 2024. This year’s Summit is themed, “The HOPE Transformation,” where the HOPE community will dive into the Six Standards of HOPE . These Standards were created to help organizations align their practices with the HOPE framework. Deep dive into...

Seasonal opportunities to practice positive childhood experiences during the holidays – New resource []

By Laura Gallant, 12.7.23, Last year we posted a blog about 10 ways to practice positive childhood experiences (PCEs) during the holiday season . By popular demand, we created a new resource based on the blog that can be downloaded and easily shared. These holiday tips were adapted from our original 10 ways to promote positive experiences fact sheet. Through this seasonal resource, we want to share that no matter what or how you celebrate, there are big...

HOPE, relationships, and collaborative goal-setting | Interview with Tamara Vesel, MD []

By Laura Gallant, 11/30/29, HOPE-informed care begins with identifying, honoring, and promoting child and family sources of strength and stamina. That knowledge creates the basis for working together to set and achieve the goals of care. Parents and families, of course, know about their child, their own values and beliefs, and their support systems. Providers bring a separate set of knowledge – which is why children and families seek care. In medicine,...

A Moment of Gratitude with HOPE Director Dr. Robert Sege []

By Dr. Bob Sege, 11/21/23, Thanksgiving means family to me. We gather together and use the day to express our gratitude to the world and to each other. As my family grows, the holiday brings a flood of memories – and new sources of joy. As I write this, my wife and I are headed to meet just met our new grandson. We are so grateful for this new little family. And we definitely enjoy the newborn baby snuggles! I want to take this time to focus on all of our...

Celebrating Diwali with HOPE []

By Laura Gallant, 11/16/23, Starting off the holiday season, many people celebrated Diwali in India and around the world this past week. Diwali celebrations support access to positive childhood experiences (PCEs) and the Four Building Blocks of HOPE . Diwali, the festival of lights, is a highly celebrated holiday in India that is observed over five days. Throughout the third day, people come together to pray, light fireworks, and share in a big feast.

Implementing the HOPE Framework in an Existing Model | Interview with Lynn Kemp, PhD []

By Laura Gallant, 11/13/23, Earlier this fall, we had the pleasure of meeting with Lynn Kemp, PhD , as she stopped at the HOPE National Resource Center at Tufts Medical School. She began her career as a maternal-child nurse, and is now the Distinguished Professor in Nursing at Western Sydney University (WSU), and has successfully developed the Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH) program at the Transforming early Education And Child...

With and Without HOPE Simulation Videos – Resource highlight []

By Laura Gallant, 11/2/23, The HOPE framework can make a difference in many settings that interact with children, youth, and families. From screenings to quick meetings, these interactions can make a large impact on whether someone continues to seek help and if they feel they can trust the organization or service provider. The HOPE framework helps children, youth, and families feel seen, heard, and empowered to be a leader in their own care. To...

Promoting the relationship building block in schools []

By Laura Gallant, 10/26/23, The HOPE National Resource Center is excited to share a great example of promoting the relationship building block of HOPE from North Clackamas School District (NCSD) based in Milwaukie, Oregon. Under the guidance of superintendent, Dr. Shay James , NCSD recently released a new strategic plan with guiding core values . Each school in the district has been tasked with living these values of equity, relationships, integrity,...

Bring HOPE to your community and organization []

By Laura Gallant, 10/19/23, Become a HOPE Facilitator and Champion As the HOPE framework grows in its wide usage across the country and the world, the HOPE National Resource Center (NRC) saw a need for more facilitators and people who could provide technical assistance around the HOPE framework. In response to this need, the HOPE team created the HOPE Facilitator and HOPE Champion Certification programs. These programs are designed for people who want to...

Bullying prevention promotes positive childhood experiences []

By Laura Gallant, 10/13/23, October is National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal of this month is to prevent bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Bullying affects both the person who is experiencing the bullying and those who are engaging in bullying behavior . It can block access to the Four Building Blocks of HOPE . The Special Olympics shares that 20% of children from 12-18 experience bullying, and children with disabilities are...

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