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State Incentivizing Doctors to Perform Adverse Childhood Experience Screenings

California has approved ACEs screenings for pediatricians and will even reimburse them for patients on Medicaid and Medi-Cal! Is there anyone working on something similar in Idaho? If so, I'd love to help in any way I can. More information here:

Idaho Ranks Among Worst States for Childhood Trauma. Here's the Path Forward []

By Scott McIntosh, Idaho Statesman, December 26, 2019 For the first time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has put together an analysis of adverse childhood experiences, or ACES, and the potential positive impacts of preventing such experiences. In a study released last month, the CDC concludes that reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences that a child encounters could reduce cases of depression by 44%, or by 21 million cases, reduce heart disease by 1.9 million...

Study: Investment in prevention, rapid rehousing could end homelessness in Ada County

BOISE — Effectively ending family homelessness is a distant dream in many communities, but local officials believe it could be within reach for Ada County. Last month, a study from Boise State University’s Idaho Policy Institute found that heavy investment in prevention combined with increased spending on supportive housing could end the wait list for housing services for families in Idaho’s most populous county by 2025. The goal city officials and local nonprofits are chasing is to get Ada...

New Podcast on Trauma-Informed Teaching

Every week, Julia Rose will take you through a new topic regarding trauma-informed teaching. This week she walks us through the principles of why being trauma-informed is important, especially in the teaching world. Click on the link below to listen to this week’s episode "Why Every Teacher Needs to Know About Trauma" and to read more about the topic discussed.

The Center for Youth Wellness Launches Childhood Adversity Screening Program with Leading North Carolina Health Systems [PR Newswire]

Charlotte pilot program with Atrium Health and Novant Health supports state's goal to address social, economic and environmental health to improve child and family health outcomes The Center for Youth Wellness (CYW) announced it is partnering with two leading U.S. health systems in the Southeast to launch a screening program on childhood adversity. CYW's National Pediatric Practice Community (NPPC) has done on-site training at the headquarters of Atrium Health and Novant Health in Charlotte,...

Dr. Melissa Merrick Explains CDC's Vital Signs/ACEs Report [Prevent Child Abuse America]

Dr. Melissa Merrick, president & CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America, provides four key takeaways from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest Vital Signs/ACEs report , of which she is the lead author. Merrick also identifies several practical solutions for creating the conditions for safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments for all children, families and communities, which are fundamental to preventing ACEs. Among these solutions is strengthening economic...

TIC: News and Notes for November 2019

ACEs, Adversity's Impact Podcast: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris Vital Signs: Estimated proportion of adult health problems attributable to adverse childhood experiences and implications for prevention - 25 states, 2015-2017 Animal study shows how stress and mother's abuse affects infant brain LGBTQ, traumatized homeless youth more vulnerable to being trafficked: Report How do these pediatricians do ACEs screening?Early adopters tell all When family relationships become toxic: The trauma of...

Local leaders launch 2C Kids Succeed, a push to help children build resiliency against adverse experiences (Idaho Press)

By Emily Lowe, November 20, 2019, Idaho Press NAMPA — When about 70 people met in Nampa Tuesday to learn about a new initiative called 2C Kids Succeed, the word “hope” repeatedly made its way to the forefront of many officials’ comments. Legislators, public officials, law enforcement and community members gathered at the Nampa Civic Center to discuss the initiative, which is hoped to be a catalyst to build healthy and resilient communities for children. The Canyon County initiative looks at...

California's first surgeon general: Screen every student for childhood trauma

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris is making big plans to help Californian kids! If you haven't watched her Ted Talk, I highly recommend it.

Family Strengthening Support Groups

Family Advocates in Boise and Caldwell have begun registration for their upcoming support groups. Classes for adults will be directed towards parents who would like to learn more about positive discipline, how to communicate effectively with their children, and building healthy relationships with their children and others. New support groups will be offered starting at the beginning of November with one at their office in Boise and one at the Church of Christ in Caldwell. The program...

IPT's 'Resilient Idaho' features Idaho mental health professionals (Idaho Press)

IDAHO PRESS STAFF Oct 1, 2019 During Mental Health Awareness Week — Oct. 6-12 — Idaho Public Television will present six nights of programs that celebrate resilience in the face of adversity and trauma, according to a press release. Local production “Resilient Idaho,” a panel discussion hosted by Gemma Gaudette, features local mental health resources presented by Idaho professionals. Programming begins Monday, Oct. 7, with “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the...

Idaho Children's Trust Fund Grants Available

The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund offers grant funding, within $1000-$5000 range, to programs that seek to prevent child abuse and neglect by increasing protective factors in order to strengthen families and promote well-being. Application packets for the grants will be available Monday, September 23, 2019. Please visit our website for more information!

Training offered to create more resilient community [Idaho Mountain Express]

By Alejandra Buitrago, Sept 4, 2019 for Idaho Mountain Express Skills will be taught to help manage stress and trauma In collaboration with a film screening tonight, Sept. 4, in Hailey (“I Am Maris” at the Community Campus, 6 p.m.) that brings awareness to mental-health challenges and resources, a Community Resiliency Model training will be offered later this month that aims to create a community that can better manage chronic stress or traumatic experiences and support community members who...

Epstein Case Highlights Language Surrounding Child Sexual Abuse [Idaho Public News Service]

By Eric Tegethoff, July 17, 2019 , Public News Service - ID BOISE, Idaho – In the wake of sex-trafficking charges against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, media outlets are taking some heat for how they've described the alleged victims. Dozens of news outlets have used the term "underage women" rather than "girls" despite the fact that some were as young as 14 when the alleged crimes were committed. Roger Sherman, executive director of the Idaho Children's Trust Fund , said this does a...

The Mindful Parent: Rupture and Repair [ICTF website]

Taryn Yates, writes a heartfelt blog about her adventures in parenting two young boys. I am “that” mom. The one who reads all the books on brain development, positive parenting, and raising a kind and empathetic child. I strive to discipline my children using positive reinforcement, unconditional love, and routines. Yes, I have boundaries and my children get told “no” (plenty), but they are offered explanations as well- such as “that’s not a safe choice, I’m worried you’ll get hurt” or “you...

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