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Listening, Learning and Showing Up: Central Oregon's TRACEs Focuses on Root Causes of Trauma

TRACEs’ work group on youth and children in foster care spent a good portion of the last year’s monthly meetings examining holes in the system: How would foster families be affected by changes in funding from the Oregon Department of Human Services? What would it mean for kids if Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) positions were cut? Most important, what did foster children and youth, their families of origin and their foster families need in order to thrive? “We put together a...

State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Oregon (SERV-OR)

VOLUNTEER NOW Oregon is facing a public health care crisis due to COVID-19. As a health care professional in Oregon, the State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Oregon (SERV-OR) needs your help today. SERV-OR is Oregon’s roster of licensed physicians, nurses, pharmacists, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), behavioral health providers, respiratory therapists and others who have registered to volunteer in response to local, state, and/or federal emergencies. Right now, health care...

A New Layer of Trauma for the Nation's Children: Dangerous Wildfires (Ed Week)

By Catherine Gewertz, September 15, 2020, Education Week. The coronavirus has shattered the familiar routines of life and school for students and teachers across the country, and subjected millions to the stresses of illness, lost jobs, and isolation. But in 10 Western states, thousands of children and the adults who educate them are reeling from yet another layer of trauma: wildfires. In some districts, children who'd been chomping at the bit to see their friends at school have been told...

Latest count: More than 2,350 residential structures destroyed by Almeda fire

By Vickie Aldous, September 15, 2020, the Mail Tribune. The count of homes lost to the Almeda fire has skyrocketed to at least 2,357 residential structures destroyed and 57 damaged after an urban search-and-rescue team provided more detailed on-the-ground information about the destruction. The search-and-rescue effort and count of lost homes is continuing. [ Please click here to read more. ]

Influential Foster Youth Forum Calls for Sweeping Changes to Address Racism, Mental Health Issues []

By Ben Botkin, The Lund Report, August 31, 2020 A forum for current and former youth in foster care has called for sweeping changes to help children who have suffered trauma, are entering adulthood or belong to communities of color. The recommendations are the product of the Oregon Foster Youth Connection Policy Conference, a biennial forum for lawmakers, state agency officials, advocates and others interested in the state safety net. The conference, sponsored by the advocacy group Our...

Survey for ACEs Connection: PCEs, ACEs, and Health Outcomes

ACEs Connection, we need your help ! We are performing a research study to better understand the relationship between positive childhood experiences (PCEs), ACEs, and health outcomes in adulthood. All we need is 5-10 minutes of your time and your honesty to complete the following anonymous survey. With your help we can find a better way to combat ACEs and to support the development of children into resilient adults. Just a little bit more about the survey: This survey is sponsored by the...

Introducing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions

Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions The following weekend watch parties and follow-up discussions are co-hosted by ACEs Connection, The Relentless School Nurse , and The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) . We appreciated the filmmakers for making these films free to watch for our members and for the public programming of PBS. The films we’ll feature are as follows: Portraits of Professional Caregivers Whole People Part 1...

Cracked Up, The Evolving Conversation: Generational Trauma - Breaking the Cycle []

CRACKED UP THE EVOLVING CONVERSATION Episode 4: Generational Trauma - Breaking the Cycle with Darrell Hammond, Comedian, actor, SNL Legend Michelle Esrick, Filmmaker, activist Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Author of The Body Keeps the Score Jane Stevens, Founder of ACES Connection and special guest Jane Fonda Academy Award-winning actor, producer, author and activist Thursday June 25th at 1pm PDT / 2p MT / 3p CT / 4pm EDT Hosted by ACEs Connection THE PRICE OF THIS LIVE EVENT IS $12.50 In the...

Beyond Paper Tigers Conference LIVE webinar June 24-25

CRI is proud to announce its 5th annual BPT Conference is going virtual. The theme this year is Resilience through Diversity: The power of trauma-informed DEI practices. BPT is a medium to share and learn from communities around the world. Over two days you will have the option of attending: 6 live presentations, 2 keynotes, 15 pre-recorded on-demand presentations, and on-demand screenings of 'Paper Tigers', 'Resilience' and the premiere of the documentary 'Visceral' with live Q&A...

We Need a Healing Movement

What if you had developed a cure for the most painful and costly public health problem in America, you had proven that it worked, and you were offering it for free, but could not reach those who need it most because no one wants to talk about the problem? Tragically, this is my reality and the truth about human nature. It is easier to suffer in silence than acknowledge the painful things that happen to us. Over 20 years ago, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser...

Directory of ACEs Connection How-Tos

Hi all- With the beautiful new changes to our site, please take a moment to review the updated "How-Tos" below . If you can't find what you need or are having issues with the site please let me know. ( Gail ) JOIN How-To: Join ACEs Connection How-To: Join ACEs Connection Groups INVITE How-To: Invite Others to Join ACEs Connection How-To: Invite Others to Join an ACEs Connection Group SIGN IN & UPDATE PROFILE How-To: Sign In to ACEs Connection How-To: Update Your...

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