Tagged With "Resilience Coach"
Blog Post
What's in your soil? - Communities moving to action
Many of you may be familiar with the “Pair of ACEs” from the George Washington School of Public Health and the natural question that comes from this model – “What’s in your soil?” (If you aren’t familiar, learn more here .) Communities across the State of Kansas are starting conversations around, not only the impact of ACEs, but also the larger issues of Prevention, Health Equity, and Trauma-Informed Systems of Care. In June, the TISC team at WSU CEI had the opportunity to facilitate and...
Blog Post
Windows of Opportunity
When we provide training about reducing ACEs and building community resilience, many of our partners say "That's great, but what can I do?". Our neighbors in Oklahoma have some suggestions for "Windows of Opportunity" in this ACEs Connection blog post . (https://www.acesconnection.com/blog/windows-of-opportunity-providing-a-warm-handoff-to-services)
Calendar Event
Alive and Well Community Coffee
Calendar Event
Bridging To Resilience
Calendar Event
Bridging to Resilience Conference
Calendar Event
Building Resilient, Trauma Informed Cultures
Calendar Event
Equipping Resilience Coaches for Trauma-Responsive Success
Blog Post
Building a Resilient Health Department and Community (Part 2)
As a follow up to last week's post from the Barton County Health Department, Shelly Schneider shares their journey to move the work into the community through RiseUP Barton County. "Barton County is experiencing an exciting opportunity with community members uniting together as a group of unusual voices meeting weekly to develop and launch an effort for not only building but executing a Trauma Informed Community of Resilience. Our efforts started 2 years ago when the Barton County Health...
Blog Post
Building Resilience - A Kansas PreventionTalKS Podcast
Building individual and community resilience is a cornerstone to most community coalition efforts - whether you are working to prevent substance use and abuse, addressing social and health disparities, or creating healthy environments for people to live, work, play, and pray. In this month's installment of their monthly Kansas Prevention TalKS podcast, our friends and partners at the Kansas Prevention Collaborative kindly invited me to talk more about what "resilience" means and what it...
Blog Post
Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Those of you who know me, know that I ADORE that lovable, furry old monster, Grover. Grover was a deeply comforting character for my family during a very stressful time and continues to serve as a positive symbol for a pretty rough chapter in our life story. While Sesame Street has been supporting preschool learners and their families across the globe for generations, the resources it brings to the communities of this generation have been wonderful to watch grow and develop. From Julia, (who...
Blog Post
National Council for Behavioral Health Conference #NatCon19
Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the annual National Council for Behavioral Health Conference. I have been to my fair share of conferences but #NatCon19 was one of the best. First, I'm biased. It took place in my city, Nashville, TN . And the venue was the world renowned Opryland Hotel's Gaylord Convention Center . And, I love, love, love the Opryland Hotel ! As any seasoned conference goer, I had a strategy when it came to which sessions and events I wanted to attend. My game...
Blog Post
New resource for Creating a "Mentally Healthy" Workplace
In our work across the state, we frequently connect with partners who want to share information about ACEs/Resilience with local business leaders but aren't sure how to respond to the inevitable question, "So now what?" A new resource released in January from Policy Research Associates may be able to support these conversations. Best Practices for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace includes a framework and tools that businesses can use to improve their organizational culture to promote...
Blog Post
New Resource: Measuring the Impact of TI Primary Care
As more and more organizations work toward trauma-informed, many struggle with how to measure the impact they are having on those they serve. In a new brief from the Center for Healthcare Strategies, leaders from the Montefiore Medical Group shares a proposed model to help organizations consider the critical question, “Is what we are doing working?” If you are an organization in Kansas, our Trauma-Informed Systems of Care team may be able to assist you in developing an infrastructure to...
Blog Post
Reflections on NatCon19, Trauma-informed Care, and Building Resilience
This past week I was incredibly privileged to attend NatCon19 which is a national learning opportunity sponsored by the National Council on Behavioral Health. I had the opportunity to hear from some of the greatest thought leaders on Trauma-Informed Care and Resilience, including Dr. Bruce Perry, Dr. Stuart Ablon, and Dr. Anthony Salerno. Frankly, my brain is still swimming a bit from all of the ideas and information that was shared. Here are some of the big highlights: ACEs screeners are...
Blog Post
Share your community or organization story!
As we build this site, we will share stories of the organizations and communities that we are honored to support on their journeys to become more trauma-informed and trauma-responsive. However, we know there are many out there we have yet to meet! We would love to hear what is happening in your community or organization to prevent and respond to toxic stress and create more resilient places to live, work, and play! Send us a blog post, resource to share, or just "Ask the Community" - we are...
Blog Post
Supporting Schools in Becoming Models for Trauma-Informed Practice
School districts across the state (and country) are working to find ways to become more trauma-aware, trauma-sensitive, and trauma-responsive. Many have started the process by implementing a variety of programs and practices school-wide from Restorative Justice to Capturing Kids' Hearts . Others are making small changes, one classroom at a time. All of it is good work – and the best way to make it sustainable is to have a written plan developed by leaders at all levels within the school or...
Blog Post
The Spirit of the Season
It’s that time of year – the time of year that is often described as “merry”, “bright”, and “joyful”. A popular way of spreading the joy is through cookie exchanges where we share our favorite memories and recipes with others through little wrapped packages of often artful treats. This year, I would suggest that we spread that comfort and warmth through a different kind of cookie exchange. In their book, Fostering Resilient Learners , Kristin Souers and Pete Hall introduce a concept called...
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Zero to Three releases new Mindfulness Toolkit for Early Childhood Organizations
As our communities look for ways to bring children safely back into structured, safe learning environments - whether that is child care facilities or schools - many staff, teachers, and children are likely going to be experiencing some stress and anxiety. This isn't new - transitions are always a bit stressful, but this time there are a number of added concerns that may be difficult to process for kids and adults alike. The best way to help keep children regulated and focused is to practice...
Calendar Event
Bridging to Resilience: a virtual conference
Blog Post
Are you getting enough "rest"?
Anyone else feel exhausted lately? Sure, we are in the middle of a global pandemic, waves of civil and social uprisings, and we just survived the dreaded holiday season…but besides that, most of us are just plain TIRED. Our TISC Initiatives team has spent much of the past year talking to folks about things they can do – like adjusting expectations and setting boundaries – to increase their ability to manage all that life has to throw at us. However, the one thing that we all seem to struggle...
Joyce McEwen Crane
Kim Jordan
Dannah Schatz
Blog Post
Coming Together for Kids
2020 was a year of many things – a year of fear and hope, a year of illness and health, and a year that has shined a light on many issues in our communities that have been hard to talk about. Issues like racial and other health disparities, mental health, and addictions. Bringing these issues out into the open means vast opportunities for conversations and healing – but how do we do this in safe, healthy ways? And how do we explain all of this to our kids so that they can learn...
Calendar Event
Fostering Essential Self-Care in the Workplace
Blog Post
Scholarships now available for Mind Matters Now!
Has the pandemic stressed you out? Want to learn the self-soothing skills of Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience directly from the author, Dr. Carolyn Curtis? Good news! The Dibble Institute has received generous funding for scholarships to the online, full 12-lesson series, Mind Matters Now . The course helps teachers, social workers, medical professionals, and others manage their stress by building resilience skills and practices for mental well-being. (CEUs are...
Blog Post
Surgeon General Issues Advisory on Workforce Burnout
This week, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy issued a new advisory on Addressing The Health Care Workforce Burnout . The advisory highlights the urgent need to address the burnout crisis impacting health care workers across the country. Notably, the Biden Administration emphasizes the mental health and wellbeing of health workers as a priority and promotes it as a core objective of the President’s National Mental Health Strategy . Some of the recommendations in the advisory include...
Blog Post
A Promise for 2022: Be the Change You Want to See in the World
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” – Mahatma Gandhi Becoming more trauma-informed and resilience-oriented in our...
Blog Post
How to Create Lasting Change at Work: The Technical vs. The Cultural
Repost from PACEs Connection member Shenandoah Chefalo: Creating lasting change is no small task. Still, it’s frustrating when most organizations fail to create the sort of lasting change that is the hallmark of effective social justice and DEI work—and the reason why is complex. If we were to boil it down to the simplest answer possible, it would be that organizations hyper-fixate on the technical while leaving the cultural unaddressed. What does that mean, exactly? Let’s use a relevant...
Blog Post
New National Resources to Support Social Connection and Community
Today, the U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, has issued an 81-page advisory on the epidemic of loneliness and isolation. In the report, Dr. Murthy outlines the public health concerns related to loneliness and isolation and how supporting social connection can reduce the risk of premature mortality, predict better physical and mental health outcomes and ease stress. In response, the U.S. Surgeon General’s office has issued a new website announcing a National Strategy for addressing the...