Tagged With "HOPE framework,"
Calendar Event
Alive and Well KC Trauma Awareness Training
Calendar Event
Trauma Awareness Training
Blog Post
A Public Health Approach to Preventing ACEs and Toxic Stress
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress are considered by many to be the #1 Public Health issue of our time. These experiences are often at the core of many other issues that we see in our communities such as interpersonal and community violence, substance use and misuse, suicide, and any number of chronic health issues such as diabetes, cancer, even Alzheimer’s. While it often seems like an overwhelming task, taking on public health crises is something that advocates in the U.S. have...
Blog Post
Create the Context for Healthy Children and Families through Policies (EfC Goal #4)
We are going to wrap up our series on the Essentials for Childhood Framework with perhaps one of the toughest parts of the work – influencing policy. One of the best ways to assure that all of our great work doesn’t disappear when the winds change is to have it be embedded in our infrastructure, but it isn’t easy. The CDC suggests that there are two steps to inform policies that might support safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. Identify and assess which policies may...
Blog Post
Kansas Communities Building ACEs Awareness (EfC Goal 1)
Before we can make progress on any issue that affects the health and well-being of those who live in our communities, people must be aware that an issue exists. In this installment, of our series dedicated to the CDC’s Essentials for Childhood Framework , we are going to highlight ways that some communities in Kansas are working toward achieving Goal #1: Raise awareness and commitment to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent child abuse and neglect. In...
Blog Post
New resource for Creating a "Mentally Healthy" Workplace
In our work across the state, we frequently connect with partners who want to share information about ACEs/Resilience with local business leaders but aren't sure how to respond to the inevitable question, "So now what?" A new resource released in January from Policy Research Associates may be able to support these conversations. Best Practices for Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace includes a framework and tools that businesses can use to improve their organizational culture to promote...
Blog Post
New Resource: Measuring the Impact of TI Primary Care
As more and more organizations work toward trauma-informed, many struggle with how to measure the impact they are having on those they serve. In a new brief from the Center for Healthcare Strategies, leaders from the Montefiore Medical Group shares a proposed model to help organizations consider the critical question, “Is what we are doing working?” If you are an organization in Kansas, our Trauma-Informed Systems of Care team may be able to assist you in developing an infrastructure to...
Blog Post
Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE
Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...
Blog Post
Promoting Positive Community Norms (EfC Goal #3)
Safe, stable, nurturing relationships are key to a child’s cognitive, emotional, physical and social development. Their first exposure to these are through parents and caregivers, but these relationships don’t happen in a vacuum. The physical and social environment surrounding families have a significant impact – both positively and negatively – on the context in which relationships develop. One way to think about this context is through community norms. Norms are defined as a those values,...
Calendar Event
AWC: Online Trauma Awareness Training
Blog Post
NCBH Resource: Trauma-Informed, Recovery-Oriented System of Care Toolkit
In August, the National Council on Behavioral Health released a new toolkit to help organizations create sustainable system-wide change that addresses trauma and fosters recovery for the people they serve. More from the NCBH: The opioid crisis has affected families across the nation. Approximately 10.3 million people live with an opioid use disorder and there were more than 46,000 opioid-related overdose deaths in 2018. We know that trauma is a significant driver of substance use disorders...
Calendar Event
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) for Providers
Calendar Event
Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) for Providers
Calendar Event
Suicide Intervention Basics
Calendar Event
Suicide Intervention Basics
Calendar Event
Suicide Screening and Assessment
Calendar Event
Suicide Screening and Assessment
Calendar Event
Suicide Screening and Assessment
Calendar Event
Suicide Screening and Assessment
Calendar Event
Suicide Intervention Basics
Calendar Event
Suicide Safety at Home
Calendar Event
Suicide Safety at Home
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Calendar Event
Suicide Intervention Basics
Calendar Event
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
Blog Post
A Promise for 2022: Be the Change You Want to See in the World
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” – Mahatma Gandhi Becoming more trauma-informed and resilience-oriented in our...
Blog Post
Spread HOPE in your Community!
Positive experiences can ease toxic stress and help children and youth grow into more resilient, healthy adults. Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) identifies ways that our communities and systems of care can better ensure that all children have more positive experiences and that all families have support to nurture and celebrate their strengths. The HOPE National Resource Center utilizes a national network of facilitators to collaborate with local partners to create a...
Blog Post
10 Ways to Create PCEs this Holiday Season
2023 has been a year full of wonderful opportunities to share the HOPE framework with partners from across the state and 2024 promises to be even better. I'd like to take a moment to share with you a 2022 blog post from the HOPE National Resource Center that is a great example of opportunities to infuse Positive Childhood Experiences into our everyday lives. Here's wishing you a safe and restful holiday season! Originally posted by Tufts HOPE on 12/08/22: School is out for the holidays, and...
Blog Post
Spreading HOPE Across Kansas
Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) can ease toxic stress and help children and youth grow into more resilient, healthy adults. Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) identifies ways that our communities and systems of care can better ensure that all children (and their families!) have access to positive experiences and they have the right support to nurture and celebrate their strengths. The HOPE National Resource Center utilizes a nationwide network of facilitators to...