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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesLancaster County ACEs & Resilience Connection (PA)

Lancaster County ACEs & Resilience Connection (PA)

Working collaboratively with schools, business, healthcare, government agencies, social services, criminal justice systems, healthcare organizations & faith communities to become a trauma-informed community. We invite all concerned citizens, professionals & advocates to partner with us to raise awareness about trauma & its effects, to build resilience, and offer hope & healing.

Penn Medicine LGH free online trauma training


Our new free, completely online/virtual training course, titled "Understanding Trauma, Resilience and Trauma Informed Care", provides a foundational understanding of trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), resilience, vicarious trauma, self-care, and trauma-informed care for anyone in the community who interacts with individuals and families who may have experienced trauma, including law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, first responders, healthcare and behavioral health providers, human services professionals, educators, employers, government agencies, faith community leaders, and others.

The self-paced, online course is broken out into 4 modules of 1 hour each, with interactive activities in each module and a knowledge quiz at the end of each module. No advance registration is required and anyone can access these trainings at any time, from wherever they may be located.


Access the course modules at the MediaSite links listed for each module below.  We recommend accessing the modules on MediaSite using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, rather than Safari.

TIP: When you access each training module, you'll see 2 windows: one showing the presenter speaking at a podium, and the other showing the Powerpoint slides. You can click on the window with the Powerpoint slides to enlarge it to see the slides more clearly.

NOTE: Be sure to download and print the Participant Worksheet  before starting the online training modules  through this link:


(you can also find links to the Participant Worksheet, Powerpoints, Knowledge Quiz and Evaluation for each module on the MediaSite page where you access the module. Once you click the arrow to start the video, you'll see a lower case "i" (Info) icon in the lower right corner. Click on that and scroll down the "info" pane that will appear on the right side of the screen and you'll see the links. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the info pane to close it.)

If you have any trouble accessing the online training modules on MediaSite, you can find full details on requirements for using Mediasite at


Module 1: What is Trauma and Why Does it Matter? gives an overview of basic concepts of trauma & ACEs, types of trauma (including racial, historical and pandemic trauma), and how trauma impacts physical and mental health, social/emotional development, and brain function.

Module 1 Powerpoint handout link:

Module 1 online training link:


Module 2: Individual Differences, Risk and Resilience covers individual differences, risk/resilience factors (including cultural and gender differences), post-trauma pathways and stages of healing, and what people need to build resilience and heal from trauma.

Module 2 Powerpoint handout link:

Module 2 online training link:


Module 3: Trauma Histories and Trauma-Informed Responses is oriented toward organizations that are aiming to become trauma-informed, including various trauma history assessments and considerations before adopting a trauma assessment tool, triggers & re-traumatization, universal precautions & trauma-informed responses

Module 3 Powerpoint handout link:


Module 3 online training link:


Module 4: Our Own Work as Professionals is oriented toward helping professionals and gets into addressing our own trauma histories, building our own resilience, developing cultural humility, addressing our own vicarious/secondary trauma & self care.

Module 4 Powerpoint handout link:


Module 4 online training link:



This training is currently approved for continuing education credits as follows:

* SOCIAL WORKERS, LICENSED PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS, MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPISTS: 4 hrs CEU's available thru NASW-PA for those who complete all 4 modules and pass the knowledge quizzes for each module with a score of 70% or better.

NASW-PA Chapter is a co-sponsor of this workshop. 4 CEs will be awarded for completion of this course. NASW has been designated as a pre-approved provider of professional continuing education for social workers (Section 47.36), Marriage and Family Therapist (Section 48.36) and Professional Counselors (Section 49.36) by the PA State Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors.

Note: Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, & Professional Counselors who wish to obtain continuing education certificates for this course will be required to:
1) Complete all 4 modules of the online training and pass the knowledge quiz for each module with a score of 70% or better.

2) Request and obtain a Certificate of Completion from Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health showing the dates of completion for each module (this is done as part of the Knowledge Quiz for each module)

3) Complete the online NASW-PA training evaluation and make payment for your CEU's at this link:

4) Email your final Certificate of Completion from Penn Medicine LGH showing you have completed all 4 modules to:
Alicia Newkam at <>


* LAW ENFORCEMENT: 4 hrs of CLEE credits thru MPOETC (Municipal Police Officers Education & Training Council) for MPOETC certified officers who hold an Act 120 Certification and who complete all 4 modules and pass the knowledge quizzes for each module with a score of 70% or better.

To obtain the 4 hours of approved credit for this course from MPOETC, please complete the following steps:

1) Request and obtain a Certificate of Completion from Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health showing the dates of completion for each module (this is done as part of the Knowledge Quiz for each module)

2) Your police chief or their designee will need to enter this MPOETC-approved CLEE course into your officer training records within the MPOETC web-based Training And Certification System (TACS).  Data entry into TACS is how officers will be credited for their participation.   

When entering this information into the MPOETC system for this course, use the following information:
CLEE ID#:    CLE01469
Course Title: Understanding Trauma, Resilience and Trauma-Informed Care
Hours: 4
Training Provider: Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health

3) NOTE: You may be required to submit a copy of your Certificate of Completion from Penn Medicine LGH showing that you have completed all 4 modules of this training.


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Comments (1)

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This trauma training looks like a great opportunity for those who work with people who have been affected by difficult life experiences. In fact, I had a similar experience with online platforms, then I also wanted to take out a loan to pay for my studies. However, I once won a good amount in a mobile casino that I found on this resource and it helped me pay for my studies. I didn't expect it to be so profitable. Opportunities to learn and improve skills are always valuable, especially when they are free or can be funded in an unexpected way!

Last edited by Dallas Darnell
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