The holidays can magnify our care, kindness, and connection… yet they can also magnify energies of separation, like blame, chaos, and emotional instability. It’s helpful to make heart-firm commitments to add compassion, kindness, patience, and latitude as we interact with others and with ourselves.
Practicing these heart qualities during the holiday period (or any time) can prevent much stress and lift our spirit for increased clarity, discernment, and intuitive guidance for our highest choices.
Let’s hold compassionate care in our hearts for all who are suffering through the profound challenges that collective humanity is experiencing. Know that people are doing the best they can, even if they’re not always at their best, often due to the pressure of seemingly impossible decisions and choices.
It’s a time for less judgment and unbiased listening to each other’s views and concerns. Collective kindness, compassion, and cooperation are key missing heart energies that could redirect some of life’s down spiraling experiences into coherent forward movement towards stabilization. Increased coherence creates easier access to solutions and outcomes that are best for the whole.
We can do more than we think to reduce personal and collective stress through these challenging times.We can go to our hearts and create, not wait for something to get better.
Let’s move forward together as we enter into the New Year, a year when increased care in our interactions with each other can make a significant difference.
We are here to love, care and get along with each other. This is who we are at the core.
Happy Holidays and thank you for including HeartMath in your journey.
With Genuine Care,

Doc Childre,
Founder of HeartMath Institute
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