We have been banging the drum at Echo for some time now about trauma and how it gets stored in our bodies. We uphold the work of people like Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and other researchers who have concluded that talk therapy alone is not enough to release and overwrite the disruptive patterns trauma creates in our bodies.
At our 2019 conference, Trauma Recovery: Community Evidenced Practices (March 18 & 19) you will be able to explore for yourself a variety of new and traditional forms of healing that are body-based. Some of these practices draw on centuries of cultural wisdom (such as yoga, gardening, and dance) and some are exciting new frontiers in trauma recovery (such as EMDR, neurofeedback and EFT). A few have already acquired ‘evidence-based’ status but many others are still waiting for science to catch up. On this theme, Viejas Tribal Chairman Dr. Pico will share with us current research into First Nation healing modalities.

Our program includes a screening of the documentary “Wrestling Ghosts” which follows one mother’s moving journey as she tries to heal from childhood trauma and connect to her two young sons. Echo has invited the EFT practitioner featured in the movie to come to Los Angeles and lead a session at the conference.
The many interactive workshops will have you getting out of your chair and into your body as we celebrate the resources nature gave us.

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Come explore with us the new frontier of trauma recovery!
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