What do Harvey Weinstein, sexual assault, and the #MeToo campaign have to do with childhood trauma?
Please join us for the February 6 Working with Childhood training where I will be making these connections on a personal and professional level.
In the training we will talk about how trauma shows up in how we think and behave. So often, people who have experienced trauma are labeled 'difficult' 'neurotic' 'paranoid' 'volatile' 'control freak' etc. when these are the outworkings of having been victimized not signs of being a jerk. Trauma is ubiquitous. We know that 94% of sexual assault survivors develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder within two weeks. But for many of us, it does not start there: At least 67% of us have experienced some kind of Adverse Childhood Experience.
I have made understanding trauma my life's work. Learning this information has made me feel less crazy and helped me have compassion for the people around me, including the people I love. As one of the women who came forward about Harvey Weinstein, it is very important to me that we have more education about the risk factors for becoming a sexual assault victim, including experiencing childhood trauma.
The February 6 training is being specially geared toward survivors of sexual assault and abuse. One of the other women who came forward about Harvey Weinstein will be performing a skit with her husband. We aim to create a safe space to explore how and why trauma impacts our lives, how to heal, and how to create a space of healing for others.
I hope that if you choose to join us and learn more about trauma that it will be as liberating and fascinating as it has been for me (not to mention the saving grace for many of my relationships!)
In love, light, and solidarity with all trauma survivors,
Louise Godbold
Executive Director, Echo Parenting & Education

Working with Childhood Trauma
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: The California Endowment
1000 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles CA 90012
Cost: Early Bird: $95 | Standard $125 Questions: Contact us training@echoparenting.org at (213) 484-6676
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