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Two New Probation Chiefs for Los Angeles Will Find Full Plate []

Los Angeles County’s newly chosen chief probation officer and her new second in command, who will both take over in January, are entering LA’s troubled probation department at a pivotal moment. For the top position, LA’s Board of Supervisors selected former Assistant LA County Sheriff Terri McDonald who until recently was in charge of LA’s massive jail system. She had been brought in to put in place reform recommendations following a series of public scandals. To head the juvenile side of...

Curious about the property LA owns? Here’s how you can see it (

City Controller Ron Galperin on Thursday released PropertyPanel.LA , the most sweeping map ever made of city properties. He also called upon city officials to hire an asset manager to oversee 9,000 holdings. “Now everyone can know what we all own a piece of,” said Galperin, in a statement. “The extent of the holdings revealed by this map shows that we as a City have the opportunity to engage in widespread economic and community development, as well as to generate revenue for much-needed city...

Nine in 10 Homeless Skid Row Women Have Experienced Physical or Sexual Violence, According to New Report (

A report being released this morning paints a staggering picture of a quickly growing Skid Row population. Women living on the streets are increasing in number and are older compared to past years, according to the study. More than 90% of surveyed Skid Row women also have experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. “The report has a range of findings, but it is clear that targeting services and dollars to specific groups of homeless people is what gets to the root of the...

9 former gang members see photos of themselves without tattoos for the first time. (

Before you judge them, hear their stories. "Skin Deep", an innovative project from photographer Steven Burton, captured portraits of 28 former gang members and incarcerated men and women, and he spent more than 400 hours in Photoshop digitally removing their tattoos. Burton was inspired by Rev. Gregory J. Boyle, who many know as G-Dog. Boyle, an ordained Catholic priest, is the founder and director of Homeboy Industries, a Los Angeles-based gang intervention, rehabilitation, and re-entry...

Lifting Up LA’s Voice for Kids to Live Trauma-Free by 2050 (Children Now)

About Your Proposal In one sentence, please describe what your organization does. Children Now is LA County’s “whole child” non-partisan research, policy, advocacy and network building organization dedicated to improving children’s health, early development, education, and welfare. In one to three sentences, please describe your project proposal. Too many LA children experience frequent traumatic events that can be toxic and lead to a lifetime of physical and emotional challenges. Children...

Pasadena Unified Establishes Foster Youth Advisory Council [Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley Journal]

What an amazing solution story highlighting some great work done in the Pasadena Unified School District to support foster youth! The district has established an advisory council to ensure the success of the 400 foster youth enrolled across the district. The district has established services, training, programs and resource centers to support the needs of enrolled foster youth. At its meeting on August 25, 2016, the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) Board of Education approved the...

Grief, Healing and Meditation for Los Angeles Foster Youth []

For children in foster care, struggling with grief and loss can go hand in hand with experiencing trauma. Grief and loss are unfortunately a common, and sometimes pervasive emotional state. What's worse, is the effects of grief and loss - be that internalizing or externalizing, are oftentimes missed as being connected to the grief and loss. This results in many foster youth never understanding their own grief or never mourning their own loss. The Gift of Compassion fellowship is a program...

New Interactive Maps and Charts on ACEs in California

This page offers county and statewide data, resources and words of wisdom from leaders who are putting the research to work and sharing insights about best practices: Called an Interactive Digital Primer, this page also reveals: A Social Movement, Driven By Communities And Rooted In Medicine. A fast-growing network of community based organizations, medical and social service professionals, and...

Prevention Institute is seeking a dynamic, high-capacity program manager to join our Los Angeles office

The qualified candidate will become an integral part of our Health Equity team, and work with us on cutting-edge efforts to improve community health and well-being through primary prevention. Qualified candidates will have a thorough understanding of the factors that determine community health, safety and well-being in the first place, and be knowledgeable about what it takes to build partnerships to effectively address health inequities, with an emphasis on community-driven initiatives to...

Training law enforcement to deal with autistic people (

The quiz was really easy. Who was the first president of the United States? What’s 39 plus 16? What does UFO stand for? But test-taking conditions were less than ideal. A group of sheriff’s deputies would have to read the 10 questions through 3D glasses as a loudspeaker blared disjointed music, speech and static. Right-handed people would be required to write their answers legibly with their left, and vice versa. At the end of the 60 seconds allotted for the quiz, most people hadn’t...

The Ubering of Foster Care has Begun [] Earlier this month , I wrote a story about how Los Angeles County was considering using ridesharing services like Uber to improve “family visitation.” The problem in L.A. and across the country is that it is hard to transport children and their parents to court-ordered visits. My back-of-the-envelope math suggested that if every L.A. foster child were to be afforded one hour of visits a week – way less than court...

Why mentoring matters, and what you can do for Los Angeles-area youth: Guest commentary (

The failure to engage the needs of inner-city boys is an ongoing American tragedy. Inner-city violence is causing death and injury that resonates with all it touches while burdening entire communities with the dread of daily insecurity. One third of those murdered in Los Angeles County are African American, who comprise only 8 percent of the population. This violence kills and scars the bodies and psyche of the men and women who are subjected to it. It is a tragedy that drains billions of...

L.A. County needs something new in next probation chief: Guest commentary (

Over the last week, five final candidates interviewed for the position of chief of the Los Angeles County Probation Department. This week, the County Board of Supervisors will choose the next chief in a closed session, without community input or insight. The new chief will be our seventh in 10 years. We represent organizations that work with youth who have been impacted by the probation and court systems in Los Angeles. Collectively, we have experienced the juvenile justice system...

LA County leaders support $1.2 billion ballot measure to help homeless (

Los Angeles County supervisors approved a resolution Tuesday to support the city’s property tax bond measure that, if passed by voters in November, is expected to raise about $1.2 billion to build supportive housing for the homeless. Known as Proposition H, the measure would allow for a new property tax on both residential and commercial properties in the city of Los Angeles. For example, a $1 million home would be taxed about $40 to $80 a year with the new fee, according to city analysts.

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