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Tagged With "luxury sober house"

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In Los Angeles, Drug Court’s Wrap-around Services Help Parents Quit Using Drugs, Keep Their Kids []

Samantha Sangenito ·
“I didn’t know how to be a mom,” Lisa Galvan said. “I was used to being by myself. It was really hard for me to adjust and even for the kids to adjust because I never was around. So when I came back out [of rehab] they gave them back to me, and within a month I started using again.” By the time Galvan was 20, she had three children and had been using meth for seven years. She had been a drug addict for far longer than she’d been a mother, and when she tried to get sober, she found out she...
Blog Post

Inside the New Skid Row Sobering Center (

The facility at 640 S. Maple Ave. is open 24 hours a day. It is staffed with medical practitioners, social workers and sober coaches, people who have cleaned up and can offer life advice. Patients, most of them from Skid Row, are given beds, medical treatment when required, food and snacks, and a chance to connect with social services. The average patient will stay in the facility somewhere between a few hours and overnight. The center works with a number of Skid Row outreach teams that have...
Blog Post

LA County's plan to keep Skid Row's intoxicated out of jail and the ER (

Los Angeles County opens its first sobering center Monday, on Skid Row. It will primarily serve homeless, intoxicated people who might otherwise be picked up by police or paramedics and taken to jail or an emergency room. The county built the Dr. David L. Murphy Sobering Center on Skid Row to break this expensive cycle, he said. Now, emergency responders will be able to take inebriated people to the Center to sober up and be referred to treatment and housing programs. There will be on-site...
Blog Post

Halfway Homes Near Me: A Path to Sustainable Recovery

Billie Nicole ·
Transitioning from addiction treatment to independent living requires structured support. A halfway house near me offers that bridge, blending accountability and independence. Whether you’re searching for resources in your area or considering options like Haven House , understanding halfway homes is crucial for long-term success in recovery. What Is a Halfway House? A halfway house, often called a sober living home, provides a drug-free environment for individuals in recovery. These homes...
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