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Handle With Care Program Expands Throughout Maryland

Additional Counties to Join, New Website Provides Resources for Trauma-Informed Support for Maryland Children ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) today announced the expansion of Handle With Care Maryland, a program designed to help children who are exposed to violence through seamless and careful communication and collaboration between law enforcement and schools. Under the model, if a student has witnessed or had a traumatic experience the night...

Oakland, CA, trying out model used in Baltimore to reduce trauma, increase resilience

Oakland BSC activity: Photo/ Courtesy of Trauma Transformed/East Bay Agency for Children When a group of community organizations in Baltimore came together in 2015, they already knew trauma figured large in many lives. There was violence in the community, in schools, and in community members’ homes. Police brutality occurred. Many suffered the loss of loved ones to incarceration or death. There were house fires and homelessness. Much of the dysfunction was systemic and rooted in racism,...

His Brother's Keeper [] - When Baltimore's Murder Rate Hits Home

"As for Smith, his failed struggle to lead Dionay off the streets exposed for him the boundaries of any individual’s influence against the awesome power of poverty and social dysfunction." Luke Mullins, The Atlantic There are too many of us who wonder how we could have saved our family members who fell prey to the pervasive violence that surrounds us here in Baltimore.

Harford County Public Schools to Pilot Handle With Care Program at Joppatowne Area Schools

Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) , the Harford County Sheriff’s Office , and the Harford County Child Advocacy Center have collaborated to launch a Handle With Care pilot program in the Jopppatowne area for the 2018-19 school year. The Handle With Care program promotes a school-community partnership aimed at ensuring that children who are exposed to trauma in their home or community receive appropriate interventions to help them heal and thrive to the best of their ability, despite the...

Article In The Atlantic: Being Black in America Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

In depth article focusing on people living in Baltimore: "Many facets of Kiarra’s youth—the fact that her parents weren’t together, her father’s incarceration, the guns on the corners—are what researchers consider “adverse childhood experiences,” stressful events early in life that can cause health problems in adulthood. An abnormally large proportion of the children in...

U.S. Senate champion on trauma, Heidi Heitkamp, provides inspired and hope-filled leadership

Last evening I posted a video of a June 5 congressional briefing that I attended on trauma and the opioid crisis with a plan to write a post about the event today. In the comfort of my living room, I played the beginning of the video, hoping to find a good screen shot to use with the article, but instead was surprisingly moved by the second listening of the words of U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) about why the issue of trauma is so important her: She says it gives her hope.

The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement []

I wanted to share some points to ponder from the article below. For the full article, click here . The Future of Healing: Shifting From Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement Shawn Ginwright Ph.D. From time to time, researchers, policy makers, philanthropy and practitioners all join together in a coordinated response to the most pressing issues facing America’s youth. I’ve been involved with this process for long enough to have participated in each of these roles. I recall...

Understanding the Role Between ACEs and the Opioid Epidemic

Tuesday, June 19th, 1 p.m . Webinar: Adverse Childhood Experiences – A Driver of the Opioid Epidemic The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) will host a free webinar titled, "Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Driver of the Opioid Epidemic" as part of the Rural Health and Safety Education Webinar Series. This webinar will review a landmark study featuring data showing a strong association between ACEs and our understanding of the opioid epidemic and other addictions.

"The Tale" -Sundance Film Festival - Child Sexual Abuse & Pledge to Prevent.Org Resources

On May 26th at 10PM HBO will premiere “The Tale” - a powerful movie about child sexual abuse that promises to be as important and compelling as the film "Spotlight," perhaps even more. The most talked about film at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, it is writer/director Jennifer Fox’s stunning self-exploration of her own childhood sexual abuse by two trusted mentors. Laura Dern and Ellen Burstyn play the lead roles. "The Tale" succeeds in educating viewers about the reality of...

Maryland Becomes the 8th State in the Country to Pass ACE-Informed Legislation this year

Just listened to ACEs Connection & 4CAKids Webinar on state legislation addressing legislation. With Governor Hogan's signing of HB 1582 (a State Health Director for Children within Child Welfare), Maryland became the eighth state to pass ACE-Informed legislation in 2018 according to the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL)! Many thanks to the lead sponsor of the bill Delegate CT Wilson, the Chairs and Members of the Appropriations and Finance Committee, Members of both...

Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention Hosts Handle With Care Training to Support Children After Trauma: 300 Attendees Begin Statewide Program Expansion

ANNAPOLIS, MD – More than 300 law enforcement personnel, school administrators, staff, and mental health practitioners from across the state gathered yesterday for Handle with Care training, funded by the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention. This initiative seeks to mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by providing trauma-informed services inside Maryland schools that help prevent future victimization and/or delinquency. Already underway in Washington County, Handle...

More Moves in MD: Promoting Resilience & Partnering with Pratt library

Resilience... An interesting word with many meanings for many people from many different walks of life. But that's the point... isn't it? In order to truly promote & support the resilience movement we must ensure that everyone has a set at the table. Enoch Pratt library has officially joined the movement!! Libraries across Baltimore, MD, will be hosting screenings of Resilience and discussion panels for community members and stakeholders. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come...

More MD Moves: Promoting resilience & Partnering with Pratt

Resilience... an interesting word with many meanings for many people from many different walks of life. But that's the point... isn't it? In order to truly promote and support the resilience movement, we must ensure that everyone has a seat at the table. In that spirit, Enoch Pratt Library has officially joined the movement!! Libraries across Baltimore will be hosting Resilience film screenings and discussion panels for community members and stakeholders. This is a wonderful opportunity for...

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