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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesMinnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

Minnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.


Using Minnesota Student Survey Data to inform Community Action

In this webinar Melissa Adolfson will present information on ACEs and Protective Factors from the 2016 Minnesota Student Survey, and discuss how those data can help communities determine where to take action to reduce the impact of ACEs. As communities across Minnesota engage in the Understanding ACEs: Building Self-Healing Communities work, this is a great source of information to support the work! This webinar repeats a workshop that was offered at the ACE Collaborative Gathering in St.

Working Together to End the Opioid Epidemic

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has launched a new webpage, Working Together to End the Opioid Epidemic to offer information about what DHS is doing to increase awareness, decrease the number of persons who develop opioid use disorder, and reduce the harms resulting from opioid addiction.

Trauma-Informed Director of Operations Job Opportunity - Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Mother-Baby Program at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has received a transformational gift to create a Center for Family Healing to support the health and wellbeing of children and families, rooted in core values of equity, social justice, and the healing power of relationships. The Center for Family Healing is seeking applicants for the Director of Operations position that will provide strategic and operational oversight of the five components of the Center:...

Crow Wing County: Tackling community problems in new way []

Crow Wing County officials are taking a new tact in dealing with issues such as suicide, juvenile offenses and dropout rates by partnering with Bridges of Hope for a "self-healing community." The idea is to "engage the public, inspire innovation, support peer helping and ease the daily stress burden of parents to promote change so that together communities can better protect and nurture the next generation." "We actually were the instigators of this whole idea," Community Services Director...

Theory of Change

June 15 from 8:30-11:30 am June 16 from 8:30 am-4:30 pm Wilder Center 451 Lexington Parkway N., Saint Paul Spaces is limited: Register here Join us for this free, two-day training to discuss social determinations of health, historical trauma, and the impact they have on the outcomes for African American families, Community experts will share their experiences to help build the capacity of African American health care workers.

Circle of Parents Orientation Webinar 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 11:30 am to 1:00 pm For More Information Contact: Barb Sorum, 507-383-8842 or The Minnesota Circle of Parents model is a peer-led, mutual self-help program providing support and parenting education. It's a place where parents can safely discuss with other parents and caregivers the challenges and successes involved in raising children. Implementing a Circle of Parents group increases parent partnerships and leadership throughout the community.

New East Metro Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Presenters

On April 26th and 27th, sixteen immigrant community members and individuals that work with immigrant populations were trained as ACE Interface presenters through The East Metro Project this past April. This cohort is eager to raise awareness about the impact of ACEs and provide tools for building resilience in their communities. Below are some reflections from the cohort from the closing circle at the training: "This is info I wish I learned 10 years ago, I have interactions with foster...

10th Annual Community Empowerment Through Black Men Healing Conference

DESCRIPTION Register Here This year's theme is “Sankofa, Go back to the past and bring forward that which is useful.” The goal is to examine the past 10 years of efforts to prevent community trauma and possible strategies to build resilience and a future of healing. Since 2009, this conference has provided an opportunity for meaningful community engagement and access to national and local educators, and community practitioners to discuss and introduce practical culturally sensitive trauma...

Youth Mental Health First Aid class

Maple Grove Hospital and North Memorial Health are partnering with the Minnesota Department of Health to offer this Youth Mental Health First Aid class in our community. Youth Mental Health First Aid is an nine-hour course that teaches you how to help someone, aged 12-18, who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. This training teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of common mental illnesses and substance use disorders in...

Saciido Shaie: ‘America needed me, and I needed America’ [City Pages]

"One day, when Saciido Shaie and her daughter were driving in downtown Minneapolis, three men in a truck drove by. There was an air-splitting blat as they honked the horn. Then came a yell that Shaie still remembers. 'Go back to your country. We don't need you here.' They drove off, but to say nothing more came of that moment would be to discount every other moment when somebody made her feel like she didn't belong. Shaie is originally from Somalia. There, her family had been rich. They had...


FREE 1 HOUR LUNCH-TIME WEBINAR’S Integrated Care and High Risk Pregnancy Initiative (ICHRP) BUILDING THE HUB OF WELLNESS (H.O.W.) Linking services reaching the African American Community SERIES ONE (Six Parts) It makes sense to talk: Disparities, Obstacles and Healthy pregnancies! “The Social Determinants of Health and Working Strategies” D id you know that? Minnesota has some of the nation’s highest racial disparities for prematurity, low birthweight, and infant mortality deliveries. W hat...

Fidgety Fairy Tales – The Mental Health Musicals

One upon a time, familiar fairy tales were re-imagined as delightful 40-minute musical theatre performances. Fidgety Fairy Tales - The Mental Health Musicals use gentle humor, great music, and compelling performances by talented youth to raise awareness about children's mental health. The goals are to: Provide accurate information about mental health disorders using clear, accessible language Dispel the myths and reduce the fear and misunderstanding around mental health disorders Portray the...

Help #GreatChildhoods Happen This April!

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a national month dedicated to recognizing the ways that people can get involved in the healthy development of children. Prevent Child Abuse America and Minnesota Communities Caring for Children are spreading the message that everyone plays a role in helping great childhoods happen. Get involved with child abuse prevention by taking part in activities like mentoring children and parents, advocating for family-friendly policies, and donating time and...

Growing Up in Today's World is NOT Easy: One Student's Story

Growing up in today's world is NOT easy. I have heard hundreds of students tell me this. Despite this fact, many of them have also told me that many of the adults in their lives don't seem to understand this, including parents, teachers, and society. Adults who are disconnected from the reality of the lives of the youth that they are around will not be able to completely understand how to provide the support that might be needed for those youth needing it most. I recently met a young woman...

Please help promote Crisis Text Line!

As of April 1, Crisis Text Line is offering Text-based suicide prevention services across Minnesota. People who text MN to 741741 will be connected with a counselor who will help defuse the crisis and connect the texter to local resources. Crisis Text Line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now we need your help in getting the word out! Online we have a range of resources to promote this important program: Website banner ads Print-ready postcards Flyers Sample copy These are all...

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