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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesMinnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

Minnesota ACEs Action: A Trauma-Informed Network (MN)

We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.

Mankato ACEs and EI Workshops

Snell Motors Community Room



Minnesota Communities Caring for Children/Prevent Child Abuse Minnesota is hosting training workshops in Mankato!


Training Details:

  • The training workshops will take place at Snell Motors Community Room on December 16th.
  • Workshop 1 will take place from 1-4pm, and Workshop 2 will take place from 6-9pm.
  • An optional dinner will be available at 5pm.


Each workshop is $25. Attend both for $40! Optional dinner at 5 p.m. is an additional $10.Note that workshop scholarships available - please contact Kate Bailey at to request a scholarship. 




Workshop Descriptions:

Workshop 1: Promoting Well-being, Cultivating Emotional Intelligence (1-4 p.m.) 

Have you ever acted toward and adult or child in a way you regret when under stress or upset? We all have automatic reactions when stressed or experiencing strong emotion. By cultivating the four Emotional Intelligence competencies - Self Awareness, Self-Management, Awareness of Others and Relationship Skills - we can unpack which automatic habits work for us (and those around us) and which don't; we can practice new responses that help us nurture children and support families to do the same. This interactive workshop will start with the brain science on which the concept of Emotional Intelligence is founded, then look at how we can use the Emotional Intelligence framework to nurture our own well-being in order to be at our best more often and more consistently.


Workshop 2: Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Self-Healing Communities  (6-9 p.m.)

 Our brain wires in response to our environment, and in order to protect us. Understanding how our environment impacts brain development, especially in early childhood can help us understand behavior and shift our responses when adults and children do things we don't like from a "What's wrong with you?" perspective to a "What happened to you?" perspective. This workshop explores the impact of trauma on the brain, what the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study reveals about a host of health and social problems, and how we can use this information to build self-healing communities.


1900 Madison Avenue Mankato, MN 56001

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