Dear Friends of Pinetree:

Today was to be a day of inspiration, learning, and connection. We were to gather together on May 1 for the second Pinetree Resilience Conference, featuring Dr. Christina Bethell and her groundbreaking research on Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). We were beyond excited to introduce her to you; gratefully, she will be with all of us on October 9 instead. But today, we miss you. And so, we offer you a gift - of inspiration, learning, and connection.
We are thrilled to present our latest venture -
Community Connection, a podcast series focused on community-based approaches to addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their long-term effects. Through engaging interviews with leading researchers and practitioners in the field, we will explore trauma-informed methods that build positive relationships and healthier communities. And
Episode One: The Power of Positive Experiences, launching today, brings you an insightful, powerful, and deeply personal conversation with Christina Bethell.

In this episode,
Dr. Bethell illuminates her PCEs research and its role in understanding the double challenge of promoting health and well-being: reducing adversity and building positive flourishing. She shares examples of “presence” in relationships and stories with compelling implications for maintaining social connection in a time of physical distancing. She offers ways each of us can provide the healing medicine of connection during difficult times - as Dr. Bethell says “we are the medicine.”
Please click here to listen to Community Connections, Episode One. We may not be able to be together today, but we can continue to inspire and learn from each other. We hope you enjoy this conversation with Christina Bethell and are even more excited to meet her in person on
October 9. Please let us know what you think!
Please be well and stay safe,

Larry McCullough. Ed.D.
Executive Director
Pinetree Institute
PS – The Early Bird rate for conference registration continues through August 31, 2020.
Click here for more information.
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