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PACEs Action Alliance (WA)


The First Body-Positive Children’s Book Just Came Out, and It’s Exactly What the World Needs Now (

Chances are, if you’ve taken a stroll through the children’s-book section of bookstores or libraries recently, you’ve seen a lot of bright colors and catchy titles. You saw some good lessons on friendship and manners, some lively adventure stories and some cute animals. You also saw a lot of pictures of straight-size white girls. While children’s literature now features far more diverse stories than it did even a couple of years ago, there is still one movement that hasn’t gotten a foothold...

ACEs Connection, our Cooperative of Communities, and....Pando!

Last month, we officially launched the ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities. We are SO excited about this! And the communities that are part of the handful of ACEs initiatives that are piloting the Cooperative are, too! Before describing the Cooperative, I want to reassure our 40,000+ members and 277 ACEs initiatives (plus another 100 in development) that have communities on ACEs Connection that nothing on changes! Membership is and remains free ! And it will remain...

Dr. Melissa Merrick Explains CDC's Vital Signs/ACEs Report [Prevent Child Abuse America]

Dr. Melissa Merrick, president & CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America, provides four key takeaways from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest Vital Signs/ACEs report , of which she is the lead author. Merrick also identifies several practical solutions for creating the conditions for safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments for all children, families and communities, which are fundamental to preventing ACEs. Among these solutions is strengthening economic...

Upcoming screening of Paper Tigers in Tacoma!

Tickets are still available to see the moving documentary, Paper Tigers! The movie will be shown on December 17th at 7:30pm at the Cinemark Point Ruston & XD. Click here to reserve your seat. Event Info Join us for a screening of an amazing documentary that captures insights about the hidden epidemic of childhood trauma plaguing our schools and communities. Watch how one school systematically tackled this very challenging problem by understanding [how] "trauma threatens brain...

“Resilience has the capacity to win every single time.” (ACEs Action Alliance)

By Alaire de Salvo for ACEs Action Alliance, originally published on Oct 4, 2017 “What is your ACES score?” This question sometimes gets bandied around the internet along with other popular quiz questions like “What color is your aura?” or “Which Disney princess are you?” Indeed, the first time I heard about the ACES study, I was quick to look up the questions and get my number. I wanted to know how I ranked with other people. On some level, I think I even wanted the validation of a high...

Directory of ACEs Connection How-Tos

Hi all- With the beautiful new changes to our site, please take a moment to review the updated "How-Tos" below . If you can't find what you need or are having issues with the site please let me know. ( Gail ) JOIN How-To: Join ACEs Connection How-To: Join ACEs Connection Groups INVITE How-To: Invite Others to Join ACEs Connection How-To: Invite Others to Join an ACEs Connection Group SIGN IN & UPDATE PROFILE How-To: Sign In to ACEs Connection How-To: Update Your...

Kids Play and Learn All Summer Long at Summer Playgrounds Program [Vancouver Family Magazine]

By Nikki Klock, July 26, 2019, Vancouver Family Magazine. Tabatha Williamson was at church when she first learned about a free weekday supervised summer program at Evergreen Park on 4th Plain Blvd., not far from where she lives with her two children, Isabella (8) and Noah (9). It turned out to be the perfect childcare for her kids while she attends WorkSource to connect with better employment. Williamson is just one of many parents whose children have benefitted from safe, supervised and...

Babies in Need celebrates 20 years of getting families off to a good start [The Columbian]

By Patty Hastings, June 14, 2019, Columbia Social Services Clark County volunteers have distributed 4,900 layettes and 2,500 car seats to needy families Volunteers met Monday at All Saints Episcopal Church to assemble layettes for Babies in Need, as they do every month. They wrapped tiny clothes in ribbon and placed them into handmade bags to drop off at local hospitals. Since 1999, Babies in Need has distributed about 4,900 layettes and 2,500 car seats to needy families. “Most of us are all...

All are welcome!

By Cyndie Meyer, May 23, 2019 for ACEs Action Alliance Last year, the ACEs Action Alliance hosted a discussion about the stress that immigrant families and children experience as newcomers to our country and our community. The perception of not being welcome in a community was identified as something the Alliance could help to address. As a small step, the ACEs Alliance worked with Clark County graphic designer Bryce Van Patten to create a graphic symbol that diversity and connection is part...

Families in search of secure housing face ‘vicious cycle’ [The Columbian]

By Patty Hastings, Special Projects for The Columbian Kaylin Tompkins sits cross-legged on the carpet surrounded by her four children. She tickles them, cuddles them and asks them questions in that high-pitched mom voice reserved for little ones. Karly, 7, sits quietly, hands folded, on her mom’s leg while 1½-year-old AJ dives into his mom’s lap. The twins — Kamryn and Kristina — lie on their stomachs, giggling. “I know, I don’t have enough lap for you all,” Tompkins says. This floor where...

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