Hear more about 90by30, a community-campus partnership based in Lane County, Oregon whose stated mission is to decrease child abuse 90% by the year 2030 – a truly aspirational goal.
This initiative is housed at the University of Oregon’s Center for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect (CPAN). We are a community engagement, public health model using the Strengthening Families protective factor approach within a Collective Impact framework. As a research and outreach unit, our larger goal is to test specific preventive strategies and approaches by implementing specific strategies as chosen by individual communities and assessing their success.
This webinar will be multi-media in presentation and the handouts we refer to will be available for download from www.90by30.com and wwww.KnowMoreLaneCounty.org (our community engagement platform). We will also briefly talk about measurement and evaluation – how do we know that we are preventing child abuse? How do we know our community engagement prevention efforts are effective? We will also hear from the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and the National Alliance of Children's Trust and Prevention Funds about new resources and opportunities.
[Please click here to learn more or to register.]

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