Tagged With "change agent"
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The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series - "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life"
Learning to find my gifts within my chaos has changed everything. Everything.
Blog Post
5 Tips to Get You Through the Kavanaugh Investigation (No Matter What Are Your Politics)
Current events this week are extremely triggering and traumatic for many. Here are a few tips from a trauma psychotherapist.
Re: The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series - "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life"
Thank you, Teri, for this gift. Beautiful way to share your impressions and take-aways of the late Dr. Dyer's book. The analysis doesn't seem simplistic to me, but rather a distillation, as is poetry.
Re: The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series - "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life"
That is true. And thanks for recognizing that. Important meaning to my soul narrowed down to a few words. I love the idea of distillation when it comes to deep concepts. Very cool! Thanks for that. Peace, Teri
Re: 5 Tips to Get You Through the Kavanaugh Investigation (No Matter What Are Your Politics)
Great tips for actions anyone can take just about any time to relieve stress and process difficult emotions. These sound like good habits to develop so we always have a way to help calm ourselves no matter what is happening in our world. Thank you, Hilary.
Amy F. Weinberger, MSEd
Blog Post
Free Mindful Music Group Lessons for Youth and Adult Survivors
Music Beyond Measure engages trauma survivors in arts-based, healing-centered programs that teach coping skills through music education, collaboration in songwriting, and empowerment through performance. Based in New Jersey and serving the tri-state area, MBM is a registered 501c3 organization dedicated to individual and community healing through the arts. We are so excited to present our new Mindful Music program, which merges quality music instruction with mindfulness techniques meant to...
Blog Post
A Gathering of the Tribes, 9/11 & The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2021
The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2021 Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran Hi Folks, Twenty years ago today at this time of the morning I was getting ready to leave for Ellenville, New York to perform and speak at the Annual New York Association of...
Blog Post
THE HEALING POWER OF MUSIC by Michael Skinner “ Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” - Debasish Mridha Music has a profound way of touching us in so many ways. For myself, the power of music has given me great joy, hope and healing. Music has been a lifesaver for me and that is not something I throw around lightly. I would like to share with you how it has affected my life in so many positive ways - I am forever grateful to have the gift of music in my life. Music...
Gabriel Nunez-Soria
Blog Post
Underground Shame from Adverse Childhood Experiences: Understanding Prepares the Heart to Heal
New understanding of the brain provides hope for breaking the painful grip of shame that’s imprinted in childhood and continues to affect adults. Rewiring shame calls for more than the traditional left brain approaches.
Blog Post
7 Tips to Create Cultural Change at Work through a Trauma-Informed Lens
If you look at history, it’s evident that cultural change happens slowly. Many of the changes we experience hardly feel like changes at all. They happen gradually over the course of a lifetime, and they elude our attention. But when we shift our perspectives and take an intentional, measurable, and trauma-informed approach to cultural change, we discover that it is not only larger and faster than we initially believed—it is also more impactful, more achievable, and more essential. If you’re...
Blog Post
The Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act
In 2021, the Trauma Resource Institute - along with over 80 other organizations - endorsed this act in a letter to Congress. Now, Representative Paul Tonko (D-NY) is going to introduce the Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act (CMWRA) in late October of this year! The Trauma Resource Institute is a founding member of the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) which aims to gather a wide and diverse set of endorsements from national, regional, state, tribal, and...
Blog Post
The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration
PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.