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Resilient Bladen (NC)

April Monthly Meeting Notes and Recording - Dr. Wanda Boone Presents


Resilient Bladen Coalition

April 25, 2022 @ 11 AM

15 people present

Meeting Minutes

Meeting recorded via zoom, recording below

Dr. Wanda Boone, CEO of Durham TRY (Together for Resilient Youth) was our guest speaker for this meeting.

Key takeaways from the presentation:

  • “Children thrive when the adults around them are thriving”- Dr. Boone
  • Individual Humility- Understanding that we are all different, have different likes, dislikes, these are based on who we were around as children and our peers as adults.
  • Connection between the social determinates of health and adverse childhood experience
  • Ask the community, especially our focused areas, what they want and need.
  • Be bridge builders and seek bridge builders in our work. Build intentional relationships that are long-lasting and based on a build rapport and trust.
  • Ask: What makes you resilient right now?
  • Moving out of a conventional mindset > trauma-informed> resilience informed thinking


  1. Smart Start and PBS Kids NC are holding a workshop for all Bladen County parents, caregivers, and educators. PBS Kids Workshop April 27th from 6pm-7pm (1 CHC) This is a PBS Sponsored Event Please Share & Register:

  1. Resilient Bladen MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding) can be signed as individual or agency. Please sign and return to Tocarra
  2. Resilience Film, if you would like to schedule a screening, please contact Tocarra or Kayla
  3. Protective Factors Training, if you would like to schedule a training, please contact Tocarra or Kayla
  4. Like, share, and join our social media pages,

Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 11 am due to the Memorial Day holiday on our regular meeting date on May 30th.

Resilient Bladen Coalition

Vision Statement

That all children in Bladen County grow up in a safe, stable, and nurturing community where families thrive.

Mission Statement

To educate, empower, and support communities on effective child abuse and neglect prevention strategies so every child grows up in a safe, stable, nurturing environment

Cloud recording of today's meeting:

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