Aggie Square is an innovate partnership between UC Davis, the City of Sacramento, and other parties to develop an economic development incubator focused on life sciences and similar industry sectors based at the UC Davis Health campus. Over the past year, the Center for Regional Change has been pleased to produce a white paper report for the leadership of Aggie Square on ways that this development can best address community needs and interests. The Center for Regional Change's report includes a survey of existing UC Davis activities, teaching, research, and services working in and with communities surrounding Aggie Square, an analysis of conditions in the local neighborhoods, a compilation of existing community oriented plans for the neighborhoods, and a scan of national promising practices for community university partnerships. Today I had the honor of presenting our report to local public officials, community organizations, business leaders, and university officials which included Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Chancellor Gary May. The next step in the process will include making the report a resource for university and community planning around equitable community development and participatory resident engagement. The full report and executive summary can be downloaded from the Aggie Square website.

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