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Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens

The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...

FREE WEBINAR: The Impact of Mind Matters: Preliminary Evidence of Effectiveness in a Community-Based Sample

Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues have conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to trauma symptoms, emotional regulation, coping and resiliency, and interpersonal skills for at-risk...

Resilient Yolo Workshop Series 2020-2021

REGISTER HERE: register/WN_FO7yn1FhSD- fsyZlICGVvg Resilient Yolo is educating people in Yolo County, CA, about adverse childhood experience (ACEs). Our intent is that everyone in Yolo County integrates trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives. Our quarterly workshop series will explore how we can advance this mission. Join us for the following sessions (subject to change): ** November 5:...

Racing ACEs Series! Sacramento and Bay Area--join us Fall 2021

Please join us for upcoming Sacramento and Bay Area Racing ACEs Fall 2021 Series! Please join our expanded Racing ACEs Network and join our upcoming Fall series. You all are among the first invites as you have partnered with RYSE or Trauma Transformed at the nexus of racial justice, ACEs, and/or trauma-informed praxis. We do hope you can join us for this three part series. Please see attached Info Packet for our Fall Bay Area and Sacramento Racing ACEs series--September 1, September 23, and...

Sacramento's Black community takes charge of its own health, vaccinations []

By Genoa Barrow, Center for Health Journalism, August 23, 2021 As a Black female neurosurgeon in affluent Folsom, Dr. Kawanaa Carter is paid well, but has spent the last six months healing the community for free. Armed with the knowledge that African Americans are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic — and the data to back it up — Dr. Carter and other advocates have stepped up to vaccinate thousands throughout the region. They’ve focused on areas like Del Paso Heights, North...

Announcing Brother Be Well Site Launch + Year 1 Report []

From Kristene (K.N.) Smith, Mental Health America, August 18, 2021 We’re pleased to announce the launch of Brother Be Well , a multimedia health and mental wellness community for boys and men of color. While our blog is open to the public, the membership aspect of the site is for males of color (ages 13+). We’re offering scholarships for the 2021-2022 program year. Virtual programming such as classes, workshops, peer support activities, storytelling, mindfulness courses, and clinical talks...

'How big can we go?': How the Sacramento region aims to end food insecurity []

By Alexandra Yoon-Hendricks and Benjy Egel, The Sacramento Bee, July 22, 2021 In the middle of March 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic slammed daily life to a halt for many Californians, Sacramento leaders met on a Saturday for a kind of emergency war council to tackle the region’s response to the all-consuming public health crisis. Sitting in Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s office, they huddled around a whiteboard with a list of priorities, said policy advisor Julia Burrows. One of the most...

Starts Tomorrow: The Wisdom of Trauma Movie Broadcast []

Tomorrow we will be reopening The Wisdom of Trauma Global Movie Broadcast. The movie is now available with subtitles in English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish and Turkish. Imagine a world informed by trauma. Imagine your own family and community. Might the teachers act differently in your schools? How about the doctors seeking to help you heal? The judges responsible for deciding sentences?

Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance co-created “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe economic consequences resulting from...

Free Internet, Computers and Digital Training Available to Sacramento Households In Need []

By Sacramento City Express, July 21, 2021 Income-eligible residents living in Sacramento can now apply for free digital resources including computers, internet and digital training. The three-year digital equity program is lead by United Way California Capital Region in partnership with the City of Sacramento, SMUD, City of Rancho Cordova and community nonprofits. This program is built off of the pilot project the City of Sacramento and United Way launched in fall 2020 with federal CARES Act...

National Campaign to Raise Awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Gains Momentum and Reach []

From Office of the California Surgeon General, July 8, 2021 LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. , July 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- A national awareness campaign on the prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the negative physical and mental health impacts that can result from them is swiftly capturing widespread public attention. Since a mid-May launch, more than 150,000 visitors have learned about ACEs through . ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur before the age of...

Sacramento Mulls a New Homeless Strategy: Legally Mandating Housing []

By Shawn Hubler, The New York Times, June 30, 2021 The mayor of Sacramento on Wednesday announced a plan to legally obligate California’s capital city to house its growing homeless population, a policy shift that would open a new front in the state’s struggle to address what has become a signature California social ill. Californians “are becoming homeless faster than we can get people the help they need,” said the mayor, Darrell Steinberg, as he proposed a municipal “right to housing” and a...

MBK Sacramento - Trauma and Healing Learning Series Part II, 2021 []

By My Brother's Keeper Sacramento Collaborative, July 1, 2021 About this event We hope you will join us for our second installment of the MBK Trauma and Healing Learning Series for 2021! This online event is scheduled for 2 hours, to allow ample time for dialogue and discussion with and among participants, focused around ways to challenge and improve the systems serving boys and young men of color, as well as how to protect them from trauma, across all sectors in our community. This event...

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