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Resources for talking points around ACEs and Trauma Informed Care

Yesterday at the Resilient Sacramento Steering meeting, the topic of talking points came up when questions come from the press or community groups. One of the best resources I have found is CYW Policy Report "Children Can Thrive". I have frequently referenced this document in my work and when talking to press and elected officials. I realize that as new people join our organization, I have an obligation to make sure this valuable work is know.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps []

The annual Rankings provide a revealing snapshot of how health is influenced by where we live, learn, work, and play. They provide a starting point for change in communities. There are a bunch of tools on this page, so please check it out! I have attached the ranking for Sacramento County to this post. To learn more, go to

UCDH DIVERSITY & INCLUSION DIALOGUE SERIES Cultivating Respect & Safety for Everyone in the Community: The Trauma-Informed Approach

Toxic stress impacts individuals and communities every day. Come hear from a panel of subject matter experts who used the Trauma-Informed Approach to mitigate toxic stress and build Resilient Communities in our region. Learn about the Trauma-Informed System’s Principles 1.Trauma Understanding 2.Cultural Humility & Responsiveness 3.Safety & Stability 4.Compassion & Dependability 5.Collaboration & Empowerment 6.Resilience & Recovery Facilitators: Kaytie Speziale, MFT UCDH...

Virtual Screening and & Live Twitter Townhall: select segments "Resilience" and "Paper Tigers"

On April 3rd, KPJR Films is holding a virtual screening of select segments of Resilience and Paper Tigers! There will also be a live Twitter Townhall with folks from KPJR Films! Please spread the word! The registration deadline is TOMORROW, Wednesday 3/28 at 5pm: DEEPENING THE CONVERSATION: CHILDHOOD TRAUMA & AC Es RESILIENCE + Paper Tigers select segments Virtual Screening & Live...

The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRC) first Quarterly Adaptation Exchange in 2018

The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRC) conducted our first Quarterly Adaptation Exchange in 2018 on how Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma can be a detriment to an individual’s physical, social, and mental health that has lasting effects into adulthood. Climate impacts and an individual’s and/or community’s capacity to respond to trauma with resilience is intrinsically tied to access to a support system, resources, and past traumas. The reality is with Climate...

The survival gap: Black children accounted for 31 percent of Sacramento County’s childhood deaths last year []

Despite the efforts of a landmark public health campaign, African-American children remain sharply overrepresented in Sacramento morgues, SN&R has found. According to a review of online coroner records, 75 persons age 18 and younger died in Sacramento County over a one-year period ending March 14. Twenty-three of the young decedents—nearly 31 percent of the total—were black. That’s an 8-point jump in just a couple of years, though the figure needs some contextualizing: Fewer children are...

Trauma Informed Practices for Schools Training April 23, 2018

Trauma Informed Practices are the link to academic achievement and social/emotional success for students who’ve experienced toxic stress and trauma. Due to repeated triggering of the fight or flight system, the neurology of these students is different than their grade level counterparts, and taking in new knowledge can often be challenging. Navigating social/emotional situations can also be difficult. Trauma Informed Practices help teachers and students to be better regulated, which...

M4BL Electoral Justice Project

From the Movement 4 Black Lives: It is with great excitement that we inform you that the Electoral Justice League application is now available! We will hire a cohort of full-time Black organizers who will champion the local issues everywhere Black people live. Fellows in the Electoral Justice League will receive intensive political training and in partnership with our Movement organizations, they will carry out localized strategy. To learn more about the Electoral Justice League Fellowship...

On Getting Pushback: Advice for Young People Walking Out of School []

As a longtime grassroots organizer and direct-action trainer, I have heard from multiple parents, in the past few days, asking me about what their children will be up against as they participate in the #NeverAgain walkouts this week. As most of us have read, some students will be treated gently by administrators, who have more or less decided to go with the flow. Some students, however, may face consequences for walking out. Many have already been menaced by saber-rattling administrators...

First 5 Sacramento- Community Connections Grants

First 5 Community Connections Grants- Accepting Applications from through April 2 nd ! A mandatory Statement of Intent to Apply is due March 26th First 5 Sacramento offers community grants up to $5,000 for innovative projects that will make a difference in the lives of young children and help with community bonding. For more information, please check out our website at .

Brief: Reaching out to male survivors of violence []

"This brief was developed to provide outreach and engagement best practices for agencies, community-based organizations, and other entities that are working with male survivors of violence. Currently, the victim services field is not addressing the needs of boys and men of color, who are experiencing violence at alarming rates and are not being connected to the services that they need. Through interviews with hospital-based violence intervention programs, school-based health centers, and...

The Righteous Anger of the Parkland Shooting’s Teen Survivors []

Something was different about the mass shooting this week in Parkland, Florida, in which 14 students and three adults were killed. It was not only the death toll. The mass murder at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High became the deadliest high-school shooting in American history ( edging out Columbine, which killed 13 in 1999). What made Parkland different were the people who stepped forward to describe it. High-school students—the survivors of the calamity themselves—became the voice of the...

#SCHOOLSNOTPRISONS DIY Grant from Sol Collective

$5000 grants for organizations, artists, community groups (not specific to 501c3), media makers, youth, community partners, and anyone with a creative way to increase awareness of the school to prison pipeline. Click here to find out more. Video on the project here . Call for Proposals For California artists, organizations, and community groups - Sol Collective is seeking proposals from California artists, media makers, youth, activists, educators, and organizations for this year’s...

Growing Resilient Communities 2.0, ACEs Science Presentation Survey & Community Milestones Survey

Hi everyone - here is some additional information about the presentation at today's Resilient Sacramento Community Meeting... I wanted to follow up with you on the debut of our new guidelines and tools — Growing Resilient Communities 2.0 — and our new tool, the AC Community Tracker (here’s a link to the Sonoma County, CA, Community Tracker ), I wanted to let you know about them. The Community Tracker helps a local initiative measure its progress, and the guidelines provide information about...

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