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Funding Opportunity: Communities Addressing Childhood Trauma Program

Office of Minority Health announces the availability of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 for grant awards for the Communities Addressing Childhood Trauma (ACT) Program. ACT is intended to test the effectiveness of innovative approaches in promoting healthy behaviors among minority and/or disadvantaged youth at-risk for poor health/life outcomes due to childhood trauma. Learn more about this FOA and how to apply. Save the date  for a technical assistance webinar for interested applicants...

New Prevention Institute Report Offers Framework for Preventing Community Trauma, Building Resilience

A new Prevention Institute report, featured Wednesday in USA Today , offers a groundbreaking framework for understanding the relationship between community trauma and violence. In doing so, the report provides insight into how we can overcome the inequities that contribute to a cycle of inner-city gun violence, poverty, unemployment, and poor health in communities of color. As additional treatment models are developed for individual trauma, there is a growing need for addressing trauma as a...

Can treating past trauma lead to big US health savings?

For two decades, there's been evidence that people who suffered childhood trauma — violence, sexual abuse or family dysfunction — are much more likely to have a chronic health problems and engage in risky behavior. Now, 14 community health centers around the U.S. are acting as laboratories for an experiment to see if screening and then treating people for trauma can improve the results from treatment they get for their diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease or other ailment.

Free computers for inmates? It’s latest deal at Sacramento County jail []

On the surface, the notion seems preposterous: Hand out Samsung computer tablets to dozens of Sacramento County Main Jail inmates. But 40 of the tablets have been in use at the Main Jail downtown for two months, and officials say they have had virtually no problems. Inmates have used them to take classes toward high school diplomas, for parenting and domestic violence courses and, once they have earned enough points from studying, to watch preapproved movies or listen to music. The project,...

January 29th - UCSF's Attachment and Trauma in Early Childhood: Embracing the Family in Clinical Practice, Research, and Public Policy

Sharing ….. See the link below for further details.  Gail To celebrate our 20 th anniversary, UCSF is hosting a daylong conference, Attachment and Trauma in Early Childhood: Embracing the Family in Clinical Practice, Research, and Public Policy " that will take place at UCSF on January 29, 2016. Please see this link for more information about the conference: Printable brochure:

Four free webinars from Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR)

Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience (STAR) is offering four free webinars from January 12-20th on When Terrible Things Happen: Helping yourself and your community address trauma and build resilience.  https://carolynyoder.leadpages...webinar-information/   These webinars offer: Insights that will help you keep going when the going gets tough. Knowledge and skills of a trauma-informed lens to increase the impact you and your organization have.

Could We Have a Revolution in the Lives of Teachers and Students?

Rebecca Pepper Sinkler- former editor of The New York Times Book Review and editor of SafeKidsStories shares the perspective of staff who attended a course given by the Institute for Family Professionals (IFP) , an organization based in Philadelphia that, since 2003, has provided training for professionals who work with children and families. Using recent research on brain theory and the effects of childhood trauma, IFP provides researched and proven best practices on topics such as...

Sacramento Youth at City Council

There is no more important task than the development of an informed, effective, and responsible citizenry – The purpose of the Youth @ City Council Program is to provide the youth of Sacramento with an opportunity to develop social advocacy skills through civic engagement and learning. It is a call to action for young people to understand the impact of their voice in their neighbourhoods’ and communities.    Please pass this flier on to any young person who you believe...

Sacramento ACEs Connection’s Successful First Step at Developing Guiding Principles

On December 8, 2015, Sacramento ACEs Connection came together to begin the process of developing a shared mission, vision, and set of guiding principles that will help provide focus and direction to the group’s future collaborative strategies and activities.  13 ACEs partners were in attendance, with the overall objective of understanding the core values for each individual, so that we could better understand the values that would drive us as a group. At the beginning of our...

Bicycles would ease daily struggles, enable independence for foster youths []

For Dennis Saenz, music is an escape from the troubling memories of his childhood. At age 20, Saenz plays the viola, flute and piano. He performs in the American River College Vocal Jazz Ensemble while pursuing a degree in music. His dream is to become a musical therapist and help those who have experienced significant life trauma. It’s a vision born out of his own troubled past and subsequent healing through music. Five years ago, Saenz was swept from his father into the foster care...

Disabled inmates subjected to excessive solitary confinement in Sacramento County []

Sacramento County is isolating too many jail inmates in small cells for prolonged periods of time, sometimes for 24 hours a day, and may be headed for a class-action lawsuit. That’s the substance and threat of a scathing review, first released in August, by two groups that examined the treatment of inmates at the main jail downtown and Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center, both of which are operated by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. Attorneys with Disability Rights...

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