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OurSOLES youth leaders led Trauma Informed Presentation before Educators and School Staff

OurSOLES (Our Students of Leadership ~ Empowerment ~ Service) high school students led an interactive, hour long Trauma Informed Presentation during Professional Development for Diego Valley and Diego Springs Public Charter School educators, tutors, school administration and staff on Friday, August 14, 2015.

Attached, please find the youth-led design of their Trauma, Community Violence and Community Healing in a Socio-Ecological Model powerpoint for the Learn4Life Public Charter Schools.

Youth leaders Alexis, Aziza, Bahum, Cameron, Lamont and Natalie prepared their youth-led presentation over the last few OurSOLES Sessions.  Based upon their understanding of how toxic stress and trauma impacts their well-being and capacity to learn as well as expanding on their opportunities to heal and the power of positive relationships in their lives.  Sharing experiences with the teaching staff, OurSOLES youth leaders honored their relationship with individuals at the school by giving a "shout out" of gratitude to those individuals.

The interactive, engaging youth-led presentation was inspirational!  Several educators and youth shared tears of pain and hope.

Grateful for the visionary leadership of Regional Director of Educational Services Craig Beswick and Diego Valley Principal Gabriel Nunez-Soria, OurSOLES, co-founded by Estela DeLosRios and Dana Brown in September 2013, is a trauma informed curriculum supporting the youth leaders skill set development on social-emotional learning, multiple intelligence, coping skills, anger management, resilience building, civic engagement and public speaking through projects-based service learning.  OurSOLES youth leaders are now vested in creating a youth-led presentation with parents.


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Awesome!  Looking forward to being able to look at the powerpoint in detail ASAP!  What a blessing you are, my dear friend Dana!!!  Hugs, LKW  :-)

From: ACEsConnection <>
To: Linda Williams <>
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2015 2:42 PM
Subject: Post By Dana Brown: OurSOLES youth leaders led Trauma Informed Present...

Post By Dana Brown: OurSOLES youth leaders led Trauma Informed Present...== To reply by email, write above this line. == Hello, Linda Williams: We're sending you this notification because you are following the blog and/or author below. New Blog Entry
| Title: OurSOLES youth leaders led Trauma Informed Presentation before Educators and School Staff By: Dana Brown Group: San Diego County ACEs Connection | |

OurSOLES (Our Students of Leadership ~ Empowerment ~ Service) high school students led an interactive, hour long Trauma Informed Presentation during Professional Development for Diego Valley and Diego Springs Public Charter School educators, tutors, school administration and staff on Friday, August 14, 2015. Attached, please find the youth-led design of their Trauma, Community Violence and Community Healing in a Socio-Ecological Model powerpoint for the Learn4Life Public Charter Schools. Youth leaders Alexis, Aziza, Bahum, Cameron, Lamont and Natalie prepared their youth-led presentation over the last few OurSOLES Sessions.  Based upon their understanding of how toxic stress and trauma impacts their well-being and capacity to learn as well as expanding on their opportunities to heal and the power of positive relationships in their lives.  Sharing experiences with the teaching staff, OurSOLES youth leaders honored their relationship with individuals at the school by giving a "shout out" of gratitude to those individuals. The interactive, engaging youth-led presentation was inspirational!  Several educators and youth shared tears of pain and hope. Grateful for the visionary leadership of Regional Director of Educational Services Craig Beswick and Diego Valley Principal Gabriel Nunez-Soria, OurSOLES, co-founded by Estela DeLosRios and Dana Brown in September 2013, is a trauma informed curriculum supporting the youth leaders skill set development on social-emotional learning, multiple intelligence, coping skills, anger management, resilience building, civic engagement and public speaking through projects-based service learning.  OurSOLES youth leaders are now vested in creating a youth-led presentation with parents.   This post contains 1 other file. View This Blog Entry Sincerely, ACEsConnection To adjust your email notifications for this site, please update your notification settings. To suspend ALL email notifications from this site, click here. Powered By
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