We had another well-attended and rich meeting where members shared about their "aha" moments related to trauma-informed care. See below and attached for meeting minutes and handouts.
- Introductions (Name and Organization) – Completed, 1 member attended through WebEx.
- Invitation to fill out Brag Sheets – not completed
- Trauma-Informed Journey Highlights/Actions
- Invite all members/attendees to share an “aha” moment or a recent action
We had a rich sharing of experiences, actions and aha moments! Below are some of the highlights:
- Impact of TIC on members’ own experiences, both personal and work-related, including “life after trauma”
- Use of trauma awareness in dealings with others
- Leah’s Pantry created ACEs community called ACEs & Nourishment – please join: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/g/aces-and-nourishment
- Partnerships & linkages were fostered
- Training advancements shared
- TIC organizational survey implemented
- Worksite wellness and TIC connection, resources offered
- TIC training for local indigenous people
- Inclusion of trauma experiences in educational planning for students and their families
- TIC training for charter school staff
- Appreciation for the number of, and increase of, types of agencies and individuals represented in today’s meeting
- Exposing college students to trauma-informed experiences, which they then use in their careers
- Changing office environments to be more trauma-informed
- Groceries = security for some people
- Hearing TIC language in school environments
- Realization that we are all helping build resilience for those we encounter and work with
- Be gentle with others and yourself
3. ACEs Connection Network
Dana gave a presentation on ACEs Connection highlighting San Diego local communities, state communities, geographical and interest-based communities, tracking resources, resource lists, and more! See attached PowerPoint, each slide has a hyperlink to the content.
4. Committee Report Out
- Membership Committee – Stephen Carroll/Linda Ketterer
- Honoring New Members (2nd meeting) – 4 new members were welcomed today!!
Visitors were also welcomed and provided one-page orientation sheet.
- Resource Committee – Morgan Baskett/Cambria Walsh
Announced survey to be emailed this afternoon from SDTIGT Resource@gmail.com. The information gathered will include member areas of expertise and interest around trauma-informed care as well as contact information. This will allow for better opportunities for members to network, collaborate, and learn from each other. Information collected will be translated into a directory which will be housed in ACEs Connection San Diego Community and available to Guide Team members only. Members have 2 weeks to complete survey (opt in). Plan is to launch the directory in July.
- Training Committee – Craig Beswick/Melissa Tran-Chamblin
Training database of local trainers will be posted soon on ACEs and will be available to all in community. Contact Melissa if interested in being on list.
5. Announcements/Achievements
a. Strengthening Community Trust Symposium - Family & Youth Support Partner
Initiative, July 18/19. 2018, Marina Village
Linda shared about the upcoming symposium in July, highlighting of the different roles and functions of Family Support Partners. This is a partnership with the Diversity Development Center, NAMI and Aces Connection. Call for speakers – respond ASAP in interested! They are looking for interactive 75 min workshops with director and partner – or 45 min feature presentations; see posting on ACEs connection: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...t-partner-initiative.
6. Future Trauma-Informed Journey Presentations
- July 6, 2018 - OPEN
- September 7, 2018 - Learn4Life, Trauma-Informed Career and Community Schools, Craig Beswick
- November 2, 2018 - San Diego Unified School District, Children & Youth in Transition
7. Next Meeting – July 6, 2018 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
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