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Responding to Co-Occurring Pandemics: COVID-19 and Anti-Black Racism

The Behavioral Health Workforce Collaborative presents Responding to Co-Occurring Pandemics: COVID-19 and Anti-Black Racism . The goal of this panel seminar is to discuss the co-occurring pandemics of COVID-19 and anti-Black racism by addressing organization culture and response, supporting workforce and engaging the community. Please see the attached flyer for more information and the link to register.

Great Plates 2.0 Delivered: Home Meals for Seniors expanded to support adults of all ages who have disabilities and/or health conditions

Since May, Great Plates Delivered: Home Meals for Seniors has been providing home-delivered meals to adults 65+ and those 60-64 with certain health conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initiated by Governor Gavin Newsom, and supported by FEMA, state, and local funds, this program pairs older adults with local restaurants to provide 3 meals per day so recipients can stay safely at home. Recently, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted to create a new program, Great Plates 2.0:...

Three simple ways to mitigate stress and practice self-care (

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to create anxiety and uneasiness and impact people’s mental health and overall well-being, a Clinton Foundation partner shares her expertise and resilience-building strategies to use during uncertain or challenging times. This blog post was written by Dana Brown, Organizational Liaison, ACEs Connection. Dana is an ACEs Science Statewide Facilitator, and through the organization, Learn4Life, she works within the Trauma-Informed Work Group and Steering...

San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team Visitor & Membership Meeting

SD-TIGT MEMBERSHIP MEETING AGENDA Noon Networking 12:15 pm – 12:30 pm Meeting 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm September 4, 2020 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 9402 5247 Passcode: RESILIENT Call mobile (669)900-912 I. Welcome: Networking Introductions (12:15 - 12:30) Chair Dana Brown] * Type Name/Organization/Role in ChatBox * Celebrate New Members (2nd Membership Meeting) II. Zoom Poll (12:30 - 12:35) * Geographical Region in...

Empathy and Reading Comprehension Song!

I wrote the song "Handle with Care" as I was dealing with the murder of my husband's grandmother (hence the dedication to Valentine Marie Williams). The process of writing the song helped me in the healing, and in also in my feeling hopeful that I could, indeed, reach out to touch young lives to assist them in developing increased empathy and compassion for others. I also hope and pray that it fosters in listeners/ singers a feeling of empowerment --- and an inclination --- to make a...

The Learning Curve: One School District Stayed Open – and Didn’t Have Problems (

On a recent Thursday, David Miyashiro, superintendent of Cajon Valley Union School District, stood outside of Chase Avenue Elementary in El Cajon waiting on a reporter (me, that is) so he could begin a tour. Miyashiro was dressed in a polo shirt with his district’s logo and long, baggy black shorts, reminiscent of ‘90s-era basketball. He had on black New Balances with white socks. Despite his casual appearance, he was anxious to get going, like a dad waiting on dithering kids at the zoo.

kNOw More! online human trafficking education for San Diego County schools.

kNOw MORE! , Point Loma Nazarene University's one-of-a-kind creative human trafficking awareness and prevention program for youth and families, is now available for distance learning! In this moment of pandemic, young people are spending significantly more time online, increasing their vulnerabilities to trafficking. Human trafficking education is more important now than ever. kNOw MORE! utilizes the same student-centered multimedia teaching style with dramas that have shifted to film, live...

Intergenerational Family Dance - transcenDANCE

All are welcome to join this free community offering. Dates: Saturdays July 25 - August 29 Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. PST Where: Zoom Instructor: Cybele Peña Get your groove on to some good tunes, shake off the worries of the day, and get your blood flowing in this all-ages class! Enjoy it by yourself or get the whole family moving. With only a small amount of open space, you will be able to join our community of dancers. We provide these classes free of charge because we believe in removing...

California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.

Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...

Collective Trauma Healing Strategies for Educators: Seeds of Hope

Dana Brown, California's ACEs Science Statewide Facilitator, and Tracie Travers , Jobs for Maine's Graduates, JAG Main State Trainer, discuss the importance of acknowledging fear, loss, and vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes: Tips to build resilience Self-care strategies Multiple resources with hyperlinks are provided in this video designed to support school partners and their employees as they support students and communities. Video Link: Collective Trauma Healing...

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