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San Diego's coordinated effort aims to combat homelessness (

Homelessness is being discussed in neighborhoods across the county. Reducing the number of homeless individuals requires publicly tackling some of the most personal issues that exist in public policy. Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer, the City Council, county supervisors, San Diego Housing Commission, members of the Regional Task Force for the Homeless and many other regional partners all know that success in addressing this challenge is only possible through coordination, communication and...

San Diegan Appointed To California’s Homeless Housing Initiative (

A new state program aimed at providing housing for homeless individuals with serious mental illness is slowly coming together. The "No Place Like Home" program was approved by Gov. Jerry Brown last year. He recently appointed Alfredo Aguirre, director of San Diego County's Behavioral Health Services, to the program’s advisory committee. Of the 118,000 thousand homeless people the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates are living in California, more than 60 percent live on...

Recommendations to the National Governors' Association Meeting

Happy Thursday! Thank you for your feedback regarding the National Governor’s Association. Based on feedback and prior conversations the following three recommendations were sent to the Health Federation of Philadelphia on behalf of the San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team Leadership as multi-generational, multi-sectoral approaches that could improve the quality of life of children: The authentic engagement of community members of all ages when shaping programs and policies. Examples of...

Call For Papers for the 32nd Annual San Diego International Conference

Conference submission deadline extended Now accepting submissions until March 14, 2017. To complete Call for Papers - BE PREPARED Have these ready before you start - you cannot stop and go back to finish later. If you stop, you will need to start all over again Speaker and Co-speaker Names Demographics Biography(300 words or less) Title of presentation Description(200 Characters or less) Abstract for Website (300 words or less) 3 Learning Objectives List of research or articles that would...

News In Numbers: Homeless Student Numbers Rise In San Diego County (

There are 21,466 homeless students in San Diego County K-12 public schools. That is nearly the population of Coronado. The San Diego County Office of Education reports the number of homeless students rose from 15,826 during the 2010-11 school year, to 21,466 in the 2015-16 school year. Music Watson, a spokeswoman for the San Diego County Office of Education, said the data is not intended to end homelessness, but rather guarantee a student’s ability to get an education. To read more of Megan...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) Meeting- March 3

Hello San Diego County! Please join us for our next SD-TIGT meeting on Friday, March 3. 2017 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM at the San Diego Center for Children. This month, in lieu of our trauma informed journey, we will be engaging in a discussion on the SD-TIGT's potential impact on policy, program, and practice change. We are looking forward to the discussion and to learning more about the wonderful work we are doing to advance resiliency within the region. The agenda is attached at the bottom...

San Diego County's Answer to School Stability for Students in Foster Care []

It seems obvious that keeping kids in their home school with their peer group – a concept known as “school stability”– is a key ingredient in the recipe for academic success for students in foster care. Research shows that on average, children lose four to six months of learning each time they change schools. This is especially acute for high school students, who run into issues obtaining the credits they need to graduate or may have to re-take classes due to coursework alignment issues. For...

Hundreds of homeless get free tickets out of San Diego (

Over the past five years, a downtown-based nonprofit has bused more than 1,000 homeless people out of San Diego in hopes of reuniting them with friends and family. The Family Reunification Program — established in 2012 by the Downtown San Diego Partnership — gives homeless in downtown a free Greyhound bus ticket to anywhere in the nation if they can prove someone on the receiving end is willing to support them. Angela Wells, a spokeswoman for the nonprofit, said the group’s staff knows the...

Contribute to the National Conversation on Improving the Quality of Life of Children!

Hello San Diego Community! On behalf of the San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team, I would like to share an opportunity with you to contribute to the national discourse on improving the quality of life of children. The conversation at the National Governor’s Association will touch on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), two generation approaches, policies and programs to support children and their caregivers, and coordinating bodies to support collaboration across sectors (e.g. children's...

Mayor: San Diego Police Not Focused on Immigration Enforcement (

Mayor Kevin Faulconer said Sunday the San Diego Police Department ‘s focus will be on enforcing local laws “rather than immigration issues.” “San Diego’s policies have worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, and we have no plans to change them under this administration,” the mayor said in the satement. “SDPD keeps all members of our community safe regardless of their immigration status, and we will keep the department’s focus on enforcing local laws rather than immigration...

Women Drumming Away the Trauma of Rwanda’s Genocide (

For Marta, joining Rwanda’s first female drumming troupe, Ingoma Nshya — a co-operative of formed 10 years after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi — has helped her cope with the trauma of losing her husband in the killings. Ingoma Nshya means a new drum or new kingdom. Marta’s remarkable recovery is captured in Sweet Dreams, an inspiring award-winning documentary about playwright and director Odile “Kiki” Katese, who brought together women from both sides of the genocide, first in 2005 to...

City camp could be San Diego's homeless solution (

The time has come for us to seek out a realistic way to manage our worsening problem of people living on the streets of our city and to do so in a manner that best serves our city’s entire population of 1.35 million. With this in mind, we propose the establishment of “Camp Hope San Diego” on city-owned land adjacent to Brown Field. Camp Hope San Diego — the vision forward: • No homeless camping or loitering would be allowed anywhere in the city of San Diego, except within the jurisdiction of...

Sen. Kamala Harris on Immigrants: ‘Here’s the Truth, Mr. President’ (

California’s new Senator, Kamala Harris , delivered her maiden speech on the Senate floor Thursday, addressing the contributions of immigrants to society. This is a transcript of her remarks. I rise today humbled to offer my first official speech as the junior United States senator from the great state of California. x I rise with a deep sense of reverence for this institution, for its history, and for its unique role as a defender of our nation’s ideals. Above all, I rise today with a sense...

San Diego Youth Development Office - February Newsletter

What are ACEs? According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic events, including abuse and neglect. They may also include household dysfunction such as witnessing domestic violence or growing up with family members who have substance use disorders. ACEs are strongly related to the development and prevalence of a wide range of health problems throughout a person’s lifespan, including those associated...

San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team (SD-TIGT) Committee Sign Up Sheets

Are you an advocate for integrating trauma informed services and promoting resilience within the San Diego region? The San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team adopted a new strategic plan in September 2016. As a result, four committees formed and they are diligently working to enhance the capacity of our communities to integrate trauma informed services into our systems and organizations. Additionally, we are drawing on the expertise of our members and continuing to grow in our knowledge...

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