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MARC - Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities: San Diego is Awarded!

[Originally posted by Leslie Lieberman]                Fourteen communities from across the country now have an opportunity to expand their innovative work in addressing childhood adversity through a new project launched by The by  The Health Federation of Philade lphia , with support from the  Robert Wood Johnson Foundation  and  The California Endowment.   Called Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC), the...

The damage is already done.

One look at my tempting rose-colored lips and my limp fragile body was crushed against the wall. I felt the mirror shatter to pieces behind my head.  A crooked smile lay across his face when he saw the terror in my deep blue eyes. Who said you...

Domestic Violence and Children

  This video really spoke to me about those children who experience domestic violence. Most of the time the voice of these children go unheard. Children go through many challenges to escape these negative atmospheres which is also considered...

Moved by ReMoved Video

I wanted to share this video because it really moved me and transformed the way I see children who have gone through similar situations. It captures abuse and foster care in such a raw and emotional way that it is hard not to be moved by it....

Today, Sep 11th 10am-12 is the SD Trauma Informed Guide Team monthly meeting at San Diego Youth Services

Reminder: We are meeting today from 10am-12pm at SDYS  <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ actionButton1452298Button = new YAHOO.widget.Button('actionButton1452298'); // ]]></script> Friday, 9/11/15 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at San Diego Youth Services - Board Room located at 3255 Wing Street San Diego, CA 92110.   All are welcome! Network and share resources with other agencies seeking to become more trauma informed! ***Please note the date, time...

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