San Diego State provides numerous opportunities for students to receive free counseling services just by reaching out to the office of Counseling & Psychological Services, located at Calpulli center. Services provided through campus include: the ASPIRE program, both individual and couple counseling, therapy pets, biofeedback, Bounce Back Retention Program, center for well-being, group workshops, and the successful community living program. A closer look at some of these programs provided can give us more insight on the goals of Counseling & Psychological Services at San Diego State; The first program offered is the ASPIRE program, where students can create a plan one-on-one with a counselor tailored to safety and well-being surrounding the alcohol use on campus. ASPIRE helps students who are having difficulty with their negative habits by getting an in-depth view at what positive lifestyle changes can benefit the individual student. The next program provided by the university's Counseling & Psychological Services is Biofeedback, where students take an online test that helps create healthier responses to stress which according to the Counseling & Psychological Services website helps improve mood, academic and athletic performance, sleep, concentration, focus, immune system, and overall health! The Bounce Back Retention Program is a program offered for students on academic probation, the group meets for 50 minutes a week being taught positive skills like time management, study, and test-taking skills. The Successful Community Living program is another program offered through Counseling & Psychological Services at the University, this program centers around emotional intelligence and building the skills to be a positive contributing member in the community. San Diego State has a lot to offer when it comes to mental health and resilience, don't hesitate to get in touch by calling (619) 594-5220 or visiting!

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