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Parent and Youth Leaders Educate Policymakers on ACEs in Sacramento on July 11th


Twelve parent and youth leaders, reentry and educational leaders, and community organizers represented the region of San Diego in Sacramento on July 11th. Aligning with about 80 other community members and professionals statewide, everyone met with and educated legislative staff on the impact of ACEs, community trauma, community healing and resilience building.

Organized by the 4CA steering group led by Center for Youth Wellness, Children Now, and ACEs Connection Network, the ACEs science education day showed how ACEs science and trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science are being integrated into every sector of our communities. 

4CA Annabelle, Carmen, Arturo, Godwin- July 11, 2017 (1)
(l to r) Anabel Barajas and Carmen Rodriguez - Cherokee Point Elementary Parent Leaders, Arturo Soriano - Founder, Youth Empowerment, Principal Godwin Higa


4CA Youth Voice at table in morning- July 11, 2017 (2)
(l to r) Robert Ontiveros - National Conflict Resolution Center, Dana Brown, executive director - Youth Voice, Louis Vargas - mentor, Talitha Thompson - co-facilitator, Salvador Robles - youth leader, Lizette Diego - youth leader

Will Ing, program officer with The California Endowment gave the opening remarks, followed by Kelli Boehm who provided information about the differences between advocacy and lobbying. Gail Yen and Kelly Hardy from Children Now also assisted.

4CA Senator Holly Mitchell
State Senator Holly J. Mitchell

State Senator Holly J. Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) received a standing ovation before and after her invigorating speech. Mitchell, as reported in,was the floor manager for Concurrent Resolution No. 155 passed three years ago to encourage statewide policies to reduce children's exposure to adverse childhood experiences.

4CA Assemblymember Voepel group pic July 11, 2017 (8)
(l to r) Dana Brown - executive director Youth Voice, Louis Vargas - mentor, Salvador Robles - youth leader, Nicole McGrath - Assemblymember Brian Voepel, Lizette Diego - youth leader, Robert Ontiveros - mentor, Talitha Thompson - co-facilitator

Our first legislative meeting was with Nicole McGrath from the office of  Assemblymember Brian Voepel's office, who represents the 71st District. Youth Voice leaders Lizette and Salvador shared their thoughts on why ACEs science and trauma-informed practices are imperative. We will be following up with a meeting with Voepel when he is in San Diego in August.

4CA Senator Joel Anderson office in Sacramento with Youth Voice 071117 whole group picture
(l to r) Louis Vargas - Youth Voice mentor, Dana Brown - executive director, Salvador Robles - youth leader, Craig Wilson - Senator Joel Anderson, Lizette Diego - youth leader, Robert Ontiveros - mentor, Talitha Thompson - co-facilitator

We then met with Craig Wilson, legislative director for Senator Joel Anderson, from the 38th District. Wilson pointed out that Anderson focuses on public safety, human trafficking, community trauma and restorative justice. We invited Senator Anderson to have a presentation from Youth Voice on ACEs sciences.

4CA Assemblymember Arambula group pic July 11, 2017 (10)
(l to r) Dana Brown - executive director Youth Voice, Arturo Soriano - Founder Youth Empowerment, Talitha Thompson - co-facilitator, Salvador Robles - youth leader, Hans Hemann - Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, Lizette Diego - youth leader, Robert Ontiveros - mentor, Louis Vargas - mentor

We ended our day in a discussion with Hans Hemann, chief of staff for Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula of the 31st District, which lasted for 35 minutes.

4CA Maryann O'Sullivan group pic July 11, 2017 (11)
(l to r) Dana Brown - executive director Youth Voice, Louis Vargas - mentor, Maryann O'Sullivan - journalist, Robert Ontiveros - mentor, Lizette Diego - youth leader, Talitha Thompson - co-facilitator, Salvador Robles - youth leader


4CA Shulamit, Audrey, Godwin, Anabel and Carmen July 11, 2017 (12)
(l to r) Dr. Shulamit Ritblat and Dr. Audrey Hokoda - San Diego State University, Principal Godwin Higa - Cherokee Point Elementary, Anabel Barajas and Carmen Rodriguez - Parent Leaders

Several of the delegations representing local ACEs initiatives and who have groups on ACEs Connection prepared fact sheets to share with legislators. These community profiles contained local data on ACEs and highlighted specific results of community efforts to reduce ACEs and promote resiliency. These profiles show legislators how ACEs science is driving real action in their districts. The profiles  can be used beyond this one day to continue to educate about local ACEs efforts, specifically to engage community support, media interest, and in follow-up meetings with legislators in every district. 

For a complete compilation of all the community profiles, please see Donielle Prince's post;

For more information about this 4CA Policymaker Education Day, visit the event information page on the website:

Attached are community profiles that represent the grass roots and community-based organizations and youth/parent leaders in this post.
- Community Profile: National Conflict Resolution Center
- Community Profile: SAY San Diego
- Community Profile: San Diego Trauma Informed Guide Team
- Community Profile: Youth Empowerment
- Community Profile: Youth Voice 


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