*When searching events please note time zone differences
Federal Grant Applications in the Era of the “China Initiative”: How to Avoid Trouble
03/04 5:00PM ET | Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJCRegister: http://bit.ly/GrantWebinar-AAJC
The Wage Gap & Economic Justice for AAPI Women
03/09 6:30PM ET | National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF)
APAICS Health Summit
03/11 9:30AM ET | Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)
Register: bit.ly/APAICSHealth
NaFFAA IWM Celebration | Women Building Bridges
03/12 7PM ET | National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA)
Register: https://naffaa.org/iwm/
Bystander Intervention Training
03/15 6:00PM ET | Advancing Justice AAJC & Hollaback!
Conflict De-Escalation Workshop
03/17 2:00PM ET | Advancing Justice AAJC & Hollaback!
Workshop for People Experiencing Anti-Asian/American Harassment
03/19 4:00PM ET | Advancing Justice AAJC & Hollaback!
Colon Cancer Webinar
03/22 Time TBD | Aspire Network, Nuestras Voces
Registration information coming shortly
SEARAC CA Mental Health Brief Launch
03/25 6:00PM PT| Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)
Value Our Families Campaign: Virtual Week of Action
03/29 - 04/02 | Value Our Families, AAJC, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA),
Register: http://bit.ly/VOFWeek2021
Hiring: Director, The Asian American Education Project
Rolling Deadline | Advancing Justice AAJC
Listing: https://advancingjustice-aajc.org/.../director-asian... | Contact: hiring@advancingjustice-aajc.org

[Image Description: Light blue graphic with lavender rhombus in the background. Top text box says “#WhoWeAre March Event Update.” Bottom text lists event names with date, time, and hosting organization. The bottom left corner has the NCAPA logo and #WhoWeAre logo next to an image of three femmes with their arms up. In the bottom right corner blue text says “Happy Women’s History Month.”]
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