CA Prop 56 and CA AB 340 Trauma “Screening” begins 7/1/2019
Santa Clara County (SCC) ACEs Network Update - tools online
(CA Department Of Health Care Services)
Background: Trauma informed care is a model of care intended to promote healing and reduce risk for retraumatization. Early identification of trauma and providing the appropriate treatment are critical tools for reducing long-term health care costs for both children and adults. Individuals who experienced trauma in childhood are at significantly increased risk of heart diseases and diabetes compared to those who did not experience traumatic events. Research has shown that individuals who experienced several traumatic childhood events are likely to die 20 years sooner than those without these experiences. These physical health costs are in addition to the mental health and substance use disorders that often follow childhood trauma.
- Effective Date: July 1, 2019
- Target Population: Children and adults up to age 65 (Medi Cal)
- Provider Types: All
- CPT Code: 96160 • Rate: $29
Tool • For children, the Bay Area Research Consortium (BARC) tool will be utilized. There are two versions of this tool based on age - one for children, ages 1 – 12, and one for teens, ages 13 – 19/See link
- For adults, the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) assessment or a similar tool can be utilized. Frequency
- Providers will be able to bill for children to receive periodic rescreening as determined appropriate and medically necessary, not more often than once per year, per provider, and no less often than every 3 years;
- Adults will be screened once in their lifetime.
Basic Elements of a Trauma and Resilience program
- “Screening”-inquiry tool: link: journal.pone.0208088.s001.docx
- Training (for all the staff) –ACES Connection
Center for Youth Wellness Webinars, Dr. Burke-Harris TED talk, Show the Resilience Film (SCC Public Heath Dept. -
- Workflow-Mental Health, Social Work, Embedded navigator(M.A.), Child Abuse Report, Follow Up, parenting class, resilience class
- Resources grid Examples: SCC MCAH, SCC Board of Education, SCC First Five ,Community Solutions, Dial 211, Kaiser Pedi Social Worker, PAMF
Connected kids, connected parents safety card: https://www.futureswithoutviol...s/ACE-card-Final.pdf
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The National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs is led by the Center for Youth Wellness, with funding from The JPB Foundation, Genentech, Google, and the Packard Foundation
April 23rd, 2019 from 12:00pm-1:30pm PST the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC), an initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness, will be hosting a webinar to support efforts to screen all children for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and additional adversities
American Academy of Pediatrics:
Trauma Toolbox for Primary Care:
Child Abuse & Neglect Center (24 Hour) | |||
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