Harnessing the wisdom that comes from challenging life experiences is a gift - and, it takes strength.
Finding a pathway to healing, through expressive art, writing, and kayaking are just some of the ways that Michelle Denham role models the value of self-care. Michelle brings this wisdom to her role on the Sonoma County Commission on the Status of Women.

CSW Commissioner
Michelle Denham
As a passionate Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) champion, Michelle brings a trauma informed lens to the work of the commission.
Recently we sat down together and through our conversation I was amazed to hear examples of how her knowledge and passion for ACEs positively influences her life and her work.
In addition to talking about her role on the Commission, Michelle talked about ways she'd like to bring healing and support to her staff at the animal shelter. And, her eyes sparkled as she talked about her dream of starting a kayaking business designed to empower women to safely experience the healing power of nature. Reach out to Michelle if you're interested in try kayaking!
Learn more about the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls! http://women.ca.gov/
Find more documents like those that are attached - http://www.women.ca.gov/Commis...uesandResources.aspx
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