Building the Occupy Bench
This handsome circular bench, created by Jim Wheaton, Steve Pierce and Peter Santulli was installed on the downtown plaza in Sebastopol on Thursday, Nov. 29. The city of Sebastopol initiated the building of the circular Occupy Bench of Sebastopol to commemorate the Occupy Movement (2011-2013) and provide a place for community discussion in the downtown plaza. Wheaton, Santulli and Pierce, along with many others, have spent three years working to build the bench. Wheaton said the builders and the City of Sebastopol are working to schedule a date for a public ceremony and dedication of the bench in the near future.
Enjoy the slideshow above, and if you want more details on the creation of this unique piece of civic furniture, see the Occupy Bench facebook page at
Click HERE to read the full article.

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